Okami HD Trophies Here is the full list of all 51 Okami HD trophies - there are 42 bronze, 5 silver, 3 gold and 1 platinum.Filter Trophy View View Image viewList view Sort by TrueTrophy desc TrueTrophy asc Trophy name desc Trophy name asc Ratio desc Ratio asc Gamers desc Gamers asc PSN order Date won desc Date won asc Flag Filter All None 50 Offline Mode 50 Single Player 32 Main Storyline 1 Story Completed 8 Collectable 3 Missable 1 Cumulative + 2 Level 2 Shop 1 Time/Date 1 Platinum Link flagsOR joinAND join Trophies without these flags What are trophy flags? Click to find outApply Top DogAcquire all trophies. YomigamiLearn how to use Rejuvenation. 1 guideTachigamiLearn how to use Power Slash. 1 guideA Village for a PeachReturn Kamiki Village back to normal. 1 guideDescending DescendantMeet Susano. 1 guideSakigamiLearn how to use Bloom. 1 guideEnemy in the GatesDefeat enemies inside of a Devil Gate. 1 guideBakugamiLearn how to use Cherry Bomb. 1 guideHasugamiLearn how to use Water Lily. 1 guideLet's Rock, Baby!Fight Waka. 1 guideTsutagamiLearn how to use Vine. 1 guideBig Ol' FlowerExterminate the Spider Queen. 1 guideImp ExorcistDefeat the imps that possessed Princess Fuse. 1 guideNuregamiLearn how to use Watersprout. 1 guideYumigamiLearn how to use Crescent. 1 guideKazegamiLearn how to use Galestorm. 1 guideOne Mean DudeDefeat the Crimson Helm. 1 guideTo the Moon, Ammy!Enter the Moon Cave. 1 guideMoegamiLearn how to use Inferno. 1 guideSerpent BreathDefeat Orochi. 1 guideNo Furball on the MenuMake your way to shore without being swallowed by the Water Dragon. 2 guidesKasugamiLearn how to use Veil of Mist. 1 guideDominate the IndomitableDefeat Blight. 1 guideKabegamiLearn how to use Catwalk. 1 guideDragonian DilemmaMeet Otohime. 1 guideFox-FaceDefeat Evil Rao. GekigamiLearn how to use Thunderstorm. 1 guideRIP TobiWin the final race against Tobi. Fox-Headed WenchDefeat Ninetails. 1 guideTrue Serpent BreathDefeat True Orochi. ItegamiLearn how to use Blizzard. 1 guideTwin BirdbrainsDefeat the twin demons, Lechku and Nechku. SayonaraBoard the Ark of Yamato. 1 guideThe Dark LordDefeat Yami. Grab Life by the LeashIncrease your Solar Energy, Ink Pot, and Astral Pouch levels to maximum capacity. 1 guideNo More Fish in the SeaComplete your Fish Tome. Have Guides Will TravelComplete your Travel Guide. Give a Dog All the BonesComplete your Treasure Tome. Sniff 'Em OutDefeat all monsters on the Wanted List. Leave No Chest UnopenedCollect all Stray Beads. All Creatures Great and SmallComplete your Animal Tome. Teach an Old Dog New TricksLearn all god techniques to fill up your Technique Scroll. From Imps to DemonsComplete your Bestiary. Barking Up the Cherry TreeEarn a Cherry Tree rank for each item in the Total Results screen. 1 guideLupine and DivineEarn a Cherry Tree rank for each item in the Results screen. 1 guideOut of the Gate SwingingDefeat all enemies at all three Devil Gate trial caves. 1 guideWho Let the Dogs Out?Defeat the Kusa 5. Dog Eat DogBeat Hayabusa's turnip-digging record. 1 guideDiggin' ItComplete five digging mini games. 1 guideEat My Flower TrailWin the race against Ida and Hayate. Dog Gone FastWin the race against Kai. 1 guide