Natural Doctrine Trophies Here is the full list of all 46 Natural Doctrine trophies - there are 33 bronze, 9 silver, 3 gold and 1 platinum.Filter Trophy View View Image viewList view Sort by TrueTrophy desc TrueTrophy asc Trophy name desc Trophy name asc Ratio desc Ratio asc Gamers desc Gamers asc PSN order Date won desc Date won asc Flag Filter All None 32 Offline Mode 13 Online Mode 42 Single Player 3 Cooperative 4 Versus 18 Main Storyline 10 Missable 5 Cumulative + 3 Level 5 Shop 2 Multiple Playthroughs Required 1 Platinum Link flagsOR joinAND join Trophies without these flags What are trophy flags? Click to find outApply NAtURAL DOCtRINEEarned every other trophy. Adaptation!Switched equipment during battle. Vasily...!Vasily has left the party... War VeteranZekelinde left the party, and joined up once again... Meet the BergmanSigned a contract with Anka. Pompous ApprenticeNebula joined the party. Free and EasyTatyana joined the party. Leaving the Ritterorden BehindErna joined the party. Unrelenting SageIngbert joined the party. Li'l Golem LoverMel and her iron giant joined the party. Dragon PriestessGomori joined the party. King of the OrcsMet Aslan, the Lion of Legend. Master of the Undying ArmyMet Gomorrah, the Undying King. Treasured UltraniumBorrowed a rare treasure from the kingdom of the lizardfolk. Breath of the AncientEncounter the ancient dragon Onatu, secluded deep within the Sacred Mountain. To the Burning Castle!Entered the fortress of Feste. Bosom of the EnemyStepped foot in the lair of the gorians. Labyrinth DominationDefeated the minotaur. Releasing Mom and DadDefeated Tatyana's parents. Revenge!Defeated a gorian sentry. Defeating the Big OneDefeated a gorian dreadnought. Overcoming a ChallengeDefeated a gorian ultron. Survival of the...Defeated the gorian queen. Bergman ExplorerCollected a total of 10g of Pluton. 1 guideVogeljaeger BodyguardDefeated 100 goblins. 1 guideNext InitiativeDefeated an enemy who had the next Initiative, leading to consecutive Initiatives. Return Fire!Defeated an enemy with return fire. Pluton DestructionUsed 'Pluton Arrow' for the first time. Waves of Anger!Linked with all 9 allies. Death of an Undying KingDefeated the Undying King that reigned over the abandoned city of Sodom. Complete VictoryCleared the game without losing a single ally. [Multi] VictoryWon a competitive multiplayer match. [Multi] Co-Op VictoryWon a cooperative multiplayer match. [Multi] The First StepSwitched out a card in a registered multiplayer deck. [Multi] Rank Up!Increased your multiplayer rank for the first time. [Multi] Dominating SuperiorsDefeated a higher ranked player than you. [Multi] Beginner CollectionObtained 5 cards. [Multi] Super Size!Obtained a card with a maximum size of 4. [Multi] Shining StarObtained a truly superlative card. [Multi] Top RatedCreated a deck of rating A or higher. [Multi] The Chosen OneReached A rank. [Multi] Card CollectorEarned 50 cards. [Multi] Duel MasterWon 100 times. 1 guide[Multi] Card MasterEarned 300 cards. A Precious ThingFound Vasily's ring. Together ForeverSaved Vasily.