2. My Friend Peppa Pig Story WalkthroughUpdate notes

Start the game and make a new profile. You can choose customization options for your character but that clearly doesn't matter and is not going to be worth your time. Just press cn_X to interact with stuff and move left or right with cn_LS. Those are basically the only controls.

Peppa's House

Walk all the way to the right and interact with the TV in the living room. Wait for a few seconds until Daddy Pig walks in without his glasses. Look for the glasses on either the kitchen table, by the front door, or up the stairs.

Daddy’s Glasses

Find Daddy Pig’s Glasses.

Daddy’s Glasses
Offline Mode - These trophies require play in game modes that do not require a connection to any live services, such as Play Station Network.Single Player - These trophies can be obtained by a single player.Main Storyline - These trophies are gained automatically by progressing through the main game mode.

Return to the front door, then go back to the TV and change the channels a few times until George walks in crying about his missing dinosaur toy. Just walk outside, then go back inside and ask Daddy Pig for help.

Where’s Mr. Dinosaur?

Recover Mr. Dinosaur for George.

Where’s Mr. Dinosaur?

If Miss Rabbit shows up with an ice cream cart, just go through the event. It is not important. Use the bikes outside of Peppa's house to reach the forest.

The Forest

Walk past the hot air balloon for now - it's just a fast travel to the Snowy Mountain and we still need to look around in the forest first. There's a bunch of trash on the ground in the next screen and there are three more just past the gate. Put it all in the bin just because you're a good person, then keep going and investigate the tracks on the forest floor. Follow them to the end.

Whose tracks are these?

Follow the tracks in the forest and find out who left them.

Whose tracks are these?

Peppa's family will eventually arrive and have a picnic with you. Get the picnic basket from the car and bring it back to the camping spot. After this scene finishes, Madame Gazelle will ask you to collect sticks for a campfire. Follow Peppa and pick up one stick at a time to finish the campfire. There are two sticks in the screen to the left.

Collecting Sticks For the Campfire.

Collect sticks to build a campfire in the forest.

Collecting Sticks For the Campfire.

Interact with the campfire and conclude that whole ordeal, then take the hot air balloon to Snowy Mountain.

Snowy Mountain

Use the ski lift and interact with the snowman at the top of the mountain. Move the big snowball, then the small one. On the right side of the snowman are three pieces to use for the face and arms.

The Best Snowman Ever!

Build a snowman in Snowy Mountain.

The Best Snowman Ever!

Talk to Miss Rabbit at the top of the hill (you should already be there)... and... talk to her again by the hot air balloon. That's it for the mountain.

The Forest

Ride your bikes back home.

Peppa's House

Go inside and talk to Peppa's parents, then move the car to the left.

Windy Castle

Look through the telescope and cn_X continue looking through everything until you're all set to get out of here.

Take the car back home.

Peppa's House

Use the car again.

The Playgroup

Walk down to the right and interact with the tree. Tiddles the Tortoise is stuck in the tree! Enter the builidng at the top of the hill and talk to Madame Gazelle; she'll get Tiddles out of the tree if you get her a ladder. Go back to the building again and Tiddles will be saved from the perils of gravity.

Helping Tiddles the Tortoise.

Help Madame Gazelle get Tiddles down from the tree.

Helping Tiddles the Tortoise.

Interact with the blue bus outside the building to go to the museum.

The Museum

Walk all the way to the right and ride the rocket.

Rocket to the Moon!

Take the rocket to the moon in the Museum.

Rocket to the Moon!
Offline Mode - These trophies require play in game modes that do not require a connection to any live services, such as Play Station Network.Single Player - These trophies can be obtained by a single player.Main Storyline - These trophies are gained automatically by progressing through the main game mode.

You'll have to walk all the way to the right to leave the museum and that'll take you back to the forest. That's fine, actually; ride your bikes back home from here.

Peppa's House

Walk past the car and down the hill to the left. You will eventually get to our last important area. Just walk past the kite on the ground.

Granny & Grandpa's House

Go inside and grab the bird seed from the kitchen, then put it in the Polly's bowl. Stand around in here until Granny Pig shows up and asks for help with her chickens. Pick up the black chicken in the house and take it allllll the way to the left, then go for the one in front of the house.

Rounding Up the Chickens.

Take all of Granny Pig’s chickens back to the coop.

Rounding Up the Chickens.

Enter the yellow car in front of the house and drive it to the beach.

The Beach

Interact with the rockpool three times. Easy.

What’s in These Rockpools?

Find three different things in the rockpools.

What’s in These Rockpools?

Take the car and get out of here.

Granny & Grandpa's House

Go down the hill and return home.

Peppa's House

Head upstairs and Peppa's parents will take you to... Potato City. This was my third time watching Mr. Bull explain that roads do indeed need to be repaired over time. Riveting.

Potato City

Once you're done talking to Mr. Potato, you'll get your last achievement. No need to know what Potato City is like inside!

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