22. Metal Gear Solid 2 (Vita) Boss Survival & Casting TheaterUpdate notes

There are two trophies related to special modes that are unlocked after you beat both the Tanker and Plant story on the same save file at least once. Both are very easy to get, so you won't be on this page very long. These two modes are located in the Special tab in the main menu.

Boss Survival

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For this trophy, you have to play through eight bosses (Fortune is not included) in a single go, with your health bar retaining its status after each fight. You can choose between Easy, Normal, and Hard, and naturally you should go with Easy, since there are so many other things you have to do with this game. When it comes to the character selection, choose Raiden, because otherwise you'd be fighting Solidus with CQC with Snake. There are rations just about everywhere on Easy, and the difficulty is more akin to Very Easy than Easy itself.

Casting Theater

Next is the Casting Theater, a function of the game where you'll be able to replay any cutscene with swapped-out characters. Their voices will remain the same, though. For the trophy related to the Casting Theater, select Demo 8: Raiden Vs Solidus, but replace these two to create Rose Vs Raiden. Then watch the cutscene when you're ready, and you'll get an aptly named trophy for your efforts.

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