Players that want to boost this game

Gamer Trophies Won TT XP Presence
Wales snowpirate117 snowpirate117Trying to complete all Need for Speeds about to get shut down. Currently on NFS: Carbon (360) 52 2,403
USA Anakinspadawan Anakinspadawan 32 899
England alangamble6890 alangamble6890 18 500
AGCKing AGCKing 0 0
England AceSoloMcCloud AceSoloMcCloud 31 1,567
Sweden Chijatsu ChijatsuMan having less than 50% of your trophies sucks big time. Guess I have to work with that. 1 21
Spain Crowe_ Crowe_ 5 87
USA Eckobrova Eckobrovacurrently working on 35 1,634
Brazil jeffdirector jeffdirectorGod, my wife, poetry and games! 23 579
USA JIM_JIM_666 JIM_JIM_666 46 2,706
USA Lord_Hydra_X Lord_Hydra_X 0 0
USA McHale1980 McHale1980 19 653
USA russiandude123 russiandude123 29 1,507
Spain SergioRubio666 SergioRubio666The quest for blood is equally satisfying as the quest for trophies 41 2,010
Scotland ThomasWhalen ThomasWhalenwow I've not been on since the New Year ! Destiny really has took up a lot of my time :O 43 1,650
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