Matchbox Driving Adventures (EU) Trophies Here is the full list of all 16 Matchbox Driving Adventures (EU) trophies - there are 6 silver, 9 gold and 1 platinum.Filter Trophy View View Image viewList view Sort by TrueTrophy desc TrueTrophy asc Trophy name desc Trophy name asc Ratio desc Ratio asc Gamers desc Gamers asc PSN order Date won desc Date won asc Flag Filter All None 15 Offline Mode 15 Single Player 6 Cooperative 3 Shop 1 Time/Date 1 Platinum Link flagsOR joinAND join Trophies without these flags What are trophy flags? Click to find outApply Trophy CollectorCollect All Trophies. AirtimePerform a jump. Boost PerformanceUse boost to overtake at least 2 cars. Catch my DriftDrift to fill your boost. We Have a Winner!Come in 1st place in a Competition in Competition Mode. Paint JobUnlock a new vehicle color and paint the vehicle with it. New RideUnlock a new vehicle in Adventure Mode. Burning RubberComplete any drive between Adventure Mode missions in less than 1 minute. Side SlideSlide against the side of another vehicle to earn boost. Champion!Earn 1st place in a Competition Championship. Mission AccomplishedComplete all missions in Adventure Mode. Driving DynamoComplete all the drive routes between missions in Adventure Mode. Matchbox™ MasterComplete 3 Adventure Mode missions with a Perfect Score. Golden GearheadComplete 5 missions with at least a Gold Medal ranking. Silver SpeedsterComplete 10 missions with at least a Silver Medal ranking. Car CollectorUnlock all the vehicles in Adventure Mode.