MasterCube (EU) Reviews

  • squiddycr4squiddycr4848,426
    27 Aug 2015
    6 0 8
    The game itself is a twin-stick shooter, which loosely resembles Geometry Wars if that game had been made on a slightly faulty Amiga 600. By a child. With severe brain trauma. It is published and authored, according to PSN, by Ertem Yazilim whose track record so far seems to extend to making terrible ‘dynamic’ themes for PS3/PS4 that aren’t actually dynamic.

    Beyond that, finding out more about the author is kind of tricky. However, the Steam version of this game was published by Warlock Arts and so for the purposes of righteous judgement, they get the blame for this version.

    Why the hate? Well, I really like good twin-stick shooters. I had a glorious time with Geometry Wars 3 and have recently platinumed Super Stardust Ultra. So when Mastercube showed up on PSN for just a few quid and no fanfare, I purchased it and fired it up, hoping for some good arcadey action. That’s when I realised I’d made a mistake.

    The game’s opening title screen gives you one option: start. So start you must. At this point you are thrown into the action. Immediately obvious are the graphics. They are appalling. You control a cube that moves around the screen in a slightly jagged fashion (it’s meant to be smooth but it simply isn’t) while taking on various enemies of different shapes and colours (much like Geometry Wars). These are all flat, awful sprites that generally just home in on you.

    Once you get past the fact that graphically this looks worse than any Net Yaroze game I ever played, you then realise that the music is oddly out of place with the action. It comes in two flavours (generic electro and generic rock) and one setting (far too loud). Pressing the options button and the touch pad does NOTHING. You soon realise that the game has no options at all. For anything.

    Persisting on, the next thing you notice is that your rapidly firing gun is all too weak. Sure, it can take out most enemies but if the purple ones show up in a large group, that’s a death sentence. Forget about getting past them. You’re already dead. Your firepower does grow though. You soon start firing a double stream of bullets which is a bit better but you’re still most likely going to die when the purple ones turn up. Occasionally, you’ll get a three way stream happening. If you’re lucky enough to have this when the purple enemies turn up, you’ve got a fighting chance.

    Of course there are other enemies. These can still get you but are lot less deadly. UNLESS THEY TELEPORT ONTO YOU. You see, where Geometry Wars and Super Stardust foreshadow enemy landing positions by lighting up the area, Mastercube doesn’t. If you’re anywhere but in the very middle of the screen, death can (and probably will) come to you instantly. You may not notice right away because the weak sound effects don’t really highlight that you’ve died but a slow disintegration animation might.

    So, after a few deaths the game ends. You have two options here: restart and ‘main menu’ (a page which you’ll remember only has ‘start’ as an option). It will tell you your final score but you’ll never see that again because not only does this game have no leaderboard support, it also never ever tells you your high score. Every fucking arcade shoot ‘em up since the dawn of the Space Invader has been about scores. Mastercube is so fucking inept at everything that it doesn’t even do this. How is this possible in 2015 on a fucking PlayStation 4?


    With no score competion on offer, all you have to keep you going is the trophy list and this offers the last nail in the coffin. There are twelve trophies. Two of which are pretty easy to get (although one of these is called Destoyer because Warlock Arts can’t even spell a trophy name right let alone make a decent one). After that you have ‘Good Reflexes’ which requires you to stay alive for 120 seconds. This is pretty tough but ultimately quite doable (no thanks to the weapons and shitty purple enemies).

    After that the list gets ridiculous. For a game that offers random, inescapable death if you dare to move, asking you to survive for 14000 seconds (nearly four fucking hours) is ridiculous. And if surviving 120 seconds was hard, surviving for 150 seconds WITHOUT FIRING is literally impossible because, unlike any good twin-stick shooter, new enemies spawn all the time, even if you’re not doing any damge. Within twenty seconds the screen is absolutely full and even hovering around the outside of the screen is impossible because enemies can spawn there where you can’t even see them. Fuck.

    I like going for trophies but I wouldn’t ordinarily mention them in a review because I know that they aren’t important to everyone but trophies is all this game has. Literally. And it gets those badly wrong too.

    Mastercube truly fails in every conceivable way. It is, by some considerable margin, the worst game we’ve ever seen. There are several Xbox Live Indie twin-stick shooters that are simultaneously awful but substantially better than this game. It has no place being on PSN and somebody needs to let Sony know that this kind of shit won’t slide. It’s only getting a 0.5 on here because the software doesn’t support zero.
    Showing all 8 comments.
    munchmagic1986I found it enjoyable myself, but then I have only played it a couple times in short bursts. Definitely a poor mans geometry wars that could use a bit of tweaking. Them trophies are gonna be near impossible, 150 seconds without firing. Seriously WTF dev? I know that if I played more than just a quick 2 minutes every now and then I would absolutely agree with all you said as each time I do play it something else starts to bug me about it. Why the severe lack of options, leaderboards, pause button etc? Craziness. The instant respawn is pretty cool though.
    Posted by munchmagic1986 on 28 Aug 15 at 13:07
    Prem-aka-PrinceFirst review in a while woo!
    Wow, you really really hate this game, huh? But after reading your review, I can see why! Damn boi! I actually think it's just as important to warn people about the bad games as it is to tell them about the good, so it's a good thing you wrote this so other people -who can't find much information on the game- can read this and avoid making the same mistake.

    Even in criticism you must have sensible reasons and you have shown many. It looked like a lot of text, but I think you included a good amount of detail. On a site like this it is good to mention the trophies too. It might have helped to include a few pictures to help us better envision the situations you describe, maybe next time? Nonetheless you get a positive vote for me!
    Posted by Prem-aka-Prince on 28 Aug 15 at 17:45
    MitchCRafT_nM3Man that's a shame i enjoy twin stick shooters but i got one a while back that was extremely lazy. It too was in the same style as Geometry Wars and Super Star Dust Delta but when i say it was lazy i mean that basically after one level every weapon in the game is available to you and after the 2nd level you can have used them all.

    For me one of the enjoyments of Twin Stick Shooters is the joy of getting better or upgraded weapons or some sort of enhancements as you progress through the game so you have the satisfaction of something new to look forward to other than just moving on to another level. It is MitchCRafT_nM3's trophies in Nano Assault NEO-X

    A great Twin Stick game was All Zombies Must Die, i loved that, Super Star Dust Delta is good, Dead Nation is good in the way of new weapons and being able to upgrade them also. I am looking forward to Alien Nation, i like the way they have the leader boards for all the countries, it makes you really want to play well for your flag which is something i don't usually care about but this game does it in a way that it's enjoyable because it doesn't matter how bad you do, as long as you are playing and killing zombies you are helping your country.
    Posted by MitchCRafT_nM3 on 30 Aug 15 at 08:18
    MitchCRafT_nM3What was the twin stick game last gen, there were 2 of them where you start in a car of some sort but if that gets destroyed you are on foot? That was a brilliant game, both 1&2 were good!
    Posted by MitchCRafT_nM3 on 30 Aug 15 at 08:21
    munchmagic1986Assault Heroes maybe?
    Posted by munchmagic1986 on 30 Aug 15 at 12:49
    squiddycr4I loved AH1. Not so much the sequel though.

    Cheers for the comments, guys!
    Posted by squiddycr4 on 30 Aug 15 at 20:51
    XonatronI have no idea what they were thinking with these trophies. Ludicrous.
    Posted by Xonatron on 08 Jul 16 at 21:35
    Paully005Doesn't sound like something I'd be interested in.
    Posted by Paully005 on 25 Jul 16 at 19:38