Latest Lemmings Touch (Vita) News

EU Playstation Store Discounts: July 29th, 2015

Today marks the start of the Summer Sale, with lots of games reduced. Half of these games are on sale now, with the second half going live in two weeks - August 12th. Put down those cocktails, get of

Posted 10 years ago by MunchMagic1986

EU PS Store Easter Sale Begins

Were you getting sick of the smaller sales in Europe? Are you looking forward to a larger clearout from Sony? If you answered yes to both of those questions, you're going to love the Easter sale that

Posted 10 years ago by Rebecca Smith

Europe - January Sale Right Now

If you thought the holidays brought all the discounts, think again. Europe's PlayStation in January seems to be sizing up quite nicely with discounts to even some of the more recent titles. All disco

Posted 10 years ago by Shadow Enz

NA Holiday Sale: Week 2

As promised last week, Sony has kicked off the four weeks of deals that make up the Holiday Sale. Now that the first week is over, we enter week two and a new list of discounts on Playstation 4, Play

Posted 11 years ago by Rebecca Smith

EU Gets More PS Store Discounts

Another Wednesday rolls around and so does the start of another Playstation Store sale in Europe. The deals for the next fortnight focus on digital offerings, so we see discounts on Playstation Netwo

Posted 11 years ago by Rebecca Smith

EU Playstation Store Update: May 28th, 2014

Just like the update for North America, the biggest title of the week is Watch_Dogs. However, Europe plays catch-up on a couple of titles that have already made it to North America, as well as seeing

Posted 11 years ago by Rebecca Smith

NA Playstation Store Update: May 27th, 2014

Initially intended to be a launch title for the Playstation 4, Watch_Dogs was pushed back from its November release date. This week, players can finally hack their way through Chicago. Those who are

Posted 11 years ago by Rebecca Smith