Kunitsu-Gami: Path of the Goddess Trophies Here is the full list of all 48 Kunitsu-Gami: Path of the Goddess trophies - there are 36 bronze, 8 silver, 3 gold and 1 platinum.Filter Trophy View View Image viewList view Sort by TrueTrophy desc TrueTrophy asc Trophy name desc Trophy name asc Ratio desc Ratio asc Gamers desc Gamers asc PSN order Date won desc Date won asc Flag Filter All None 48 Offline Mode 48 Single Player 31 Main Storyline 1 Story Completed 4 Collectable 4 Cumulative + 1 Multiple Playthroughs Required 1 Platinum Link flagsOR joinAND join Trophies without these flags What are trophy flags? Click to find outApply Kunitsu-GamiObtain all trophies. Embark on the PathEscape from the Seethe with the Maiden. Purify Myoko PassPurge the defilement and recover Myoko Pass. Purify Kakeashi GrovePurge the defilement and recover Kakeashi Grove. Purify Yuan CavernPurge the defilement and recover Yuan Cavern. Purify Enri VillagePurge the defilement and recover Enri Village. Purify Okumiyama PassagePurge the defilement and recover Okumiyama Passage. Purify Moegi RidgePurge the defilement and recover Moegi Ridge. Purify Yuminari LakePurge the defilement and recover Yuminari Lake. Purify Adashino VillagePurge the defilement and recover Adashino Village. Purify Muenzuka Burial GroundsPurge the defilement and recover Muenzuka Burial Grounds. Purify Renge MarshPurge the defilement and recover Renge Marsh. Purify Kamukura ShrinePurge the defilement and recover Kamukura Shrine. Purify the Great Cherry Tree of NakaharaPurge the defilement and recover the Great Cherry Tree of Nakahara. Purify Korai ValleyPurge the defilement and recover Korai Valley. Purify Kiritake VillagePurge the defilement and recover Kiritake Village. Purify Narusawa Wind CavesPurge the defilement and recover the Narusawa Wind Caves. Purify Yamasuso LodgingPurge the defilement and recover Yamasuso Lodging. Purify the Great Shrine PassagePurge the defilement and recover the Great Shrine Passage. Defeat GakinyudoDefeat Gakinyudo. Defeat KamaitachiDefeat Kamaitachi. Defeat MukadejoroDefeat Mukadejoro. Defeat Tsurube-otoshiDefeat Tsurube-otoshi. Defeat BatsuDefeat Batsu. Defeat BupposoDefeat Bupposo. Defeat NotsugoDefeat Notsugo. Defeat RaikoboDefeat Raikobo. Defeat YatsukahagiDefeat Yatsukahagi. Becoming the Spirit Stone MaidenDefeat Nanamagari. Repeating HistoryBegin New Game+. The EndDefeat Cursed Soh. Come on in!Enter a tent for the first time. A Gathering of MastersFully upgrade all roles. The True SohFully upgrade Soh's abilities. When You Wish Upon an EmaObtain all Ema Plaques. Mountain Goddess FolkloreObtain all Emaki Scrolls and view them from the tent. A Blessing and a CurseComplete a stage with 5 Mazo Talismans equipped. MultitaskerComplete a stage with 3 Tsuba Guards equipped. Sweet ShopObtain all sweets. Employment AgencyAssign every role to the villagers. Family Dis-FunctionDefeat 100 Seethe by using other Seethe attacks against them. Rags to RichesDefeat Kagokaburi. Mountain WatchComplete all objectives in every stage, including those in New Game+. The Little GiantDefeat all types of Seethe. Wisdom and CourageFinish all boss fights up to the Great Shrine Passage within a total of 20 mins in one playthrough. Bit by BitConsume a total of 100,000 crystals. Return to NaturePurge 200 wild animals of the defilement. Compassion for Living ThingsInteract with animals in the bases 20 times.