Knowledge is Power Trophies

Here is the full list of all 47 Knowledge is Power trophies - there are 35 bronze, 9 silver, 2 gold and 1 platinum.

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  • Full Roster

    Use all of the game's characters

  • Scene Stealer

    Use a Power Pick twenty times

  • My Time To Shine

    Use a Power Pick on a door choice, play Points Party and then be the only player to get the question wrong

  • Speedy Wrongzales

    Answer first but be the only player to get a multiple-choice question wrong in a 3-6 player game

  • Popularity Contest

    Play five Power Plays on one character on the same question

  • Late Bloomer

    Come from last in the Finale to win a 3-6 player game

  • Master Strategist

    Play every Power Play with the same player in a single game

  • The Strongest Link

    Get 100% correct answers on a Linking question

  • Swipe Master

    Get 100% correct answers on a Sorting question

  • Indomitable Spirit

    Answer first and correctly after being hit by a Gloop, Freeze and Bomble in the same question

  • Deep Freeze

    Apply three or more Freeze Power Plays to one player on the same question

  • Clever Chameleon

    Win a game with each character

  • Fact Machines

    Answer all multiple-choice questions in a single game correctly with all players

  • Group Gloop

    Apply three or more Gloop Power Plays to one player on the same question

  • A Helping Hand

    Place a Bet on a player that answers correctly first, but get the wrong answer yourself

  • Rain On The Parade

    Power Pick a door when everyone else chose a different door in a 3-6 player game

  • Freeze Frame

    Everyone Freezes everyone else on a question in a 3-6 player game

  • On All Fronts

    Everyone Power Plays everyone else on a question in a 3-6 player game

  • Paint Stripper

    When Glooped, remove ALL the Gloop from your answer screen

  • Bomb Disposal

    When Bombled, tap two Bombles on your answer screen

  • Thaw The Win

    When Frozen, remove ALL the Ice from your answer screen

  • There's Always One

    Choose an incorrect answer to a multiple-choice question with only one player in a 3-6 player game when all other players get it right

  • Between The Lines

    Answer first and correctly after being hit by two Nibblers in the same question

  • Sorcerer's Apprentice

    Win three games as the Magician character

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Knowledge is Power FAQ
  • How many trophies are there in Knowledge is Power?
    There are 47 trophies in Knowledge is Power - 35 bronze, 9 silver, 2 gold and 1 platinum.
    You can view the full list of Knowledge is Power trophies here.
  • Is Knowledge is Power on PlayStation Plus?
    No, Knowledge is Power is not currently available on any PlayStation Plus tier.
  • When did Knowledge is Power release on PlayStation?
    Knowledge is Power was released on October 24th, 2017.
  • How long does it take to complete all the trophies in Knowledge is Power?
    It takes between 20 and 25 hours to complete the trophies in Knowledge is Power.