2. Island Time VR General hints and tipsUpdate notes

Island Time VR is a VR game, which means it is wise to configure your PSVR for optimal performance.

  • Make sure the room is lit correctly
  • Make sure all devices are charged and ready to go (PS Moves are required)
  • Make sure you have enough room for the standing experience

This game seems to be developed with the HTC Vive in mind, you can turn with cn_X and cn_O if you are having tracking difficulties and I really advise you to use them.
Generally there is no need to rush to quickly turn, but it will happen that you will find yourself at a 90 degree angle from your PS Camera.

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Game wise, use these tips to help you along.

  • Catching fish #1, you do not need to wait for them to jump out. You can catch them that way, but you can pick them out of the water just as easily with the spear.
  • Catching fish #2, You can fit two fish on the spear, so you can keep stabbing until two are lined up, saves some time!
  • Don't like to get burned or you just want to keep your distance? Use Carl's hand grabber to pick up objects and move them.
  • Clean out all the boxes that arrive on the Island, some have more valuable stuff in it than others.
  • The things that you see in open water cannot kill you, they are just there for entertainment.
  • Do micromanagement, try to keep your things on the Island organzed for reference later.
  • Don't play with fire, you will have your stash and yourself brightly lit in no time. Even two rocks can start a big fire!
  • Check your wristwatch for health and progression information. It's not a smartwatch but hey, you can see if you're dying.
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