ISLANDERS: Console Edition Trophies

Here is the full list of all 27 ISLANDERS: Console Edition trophies - there are 12 bronze, 8 silver, 6 gold and 1 platinum.

  • Adventurer

    Explore 20 islands

  • Explorer

    Explore 30 islands

  • Wealthy

    Have at least 12 buildings in your inventory at once

  • Sprinter

    Reach the second island within 2 minutes and 30 seconds

  • Athlete

    Reach the third island within 7 minutes

  • Puzzle Solver

    Have exactly 100 points after placing a building

  • Investor

    Lose a total of at least 100 points in one match

  • Slow Burn

    Reach a score of 1,000 without ever having more than 6 buildings in your inventory

  • Islander

    Reach a score of 800 on the first island

ISLANDERS: Console Edition FAQ
  • How many trophies are there in ISLANDERS: Console Edition?
    There are 27 trophies in ISLANDERS: Console Edition - 12 bronze, 8 silver, 6 gold and 1 platinum.
    You can view the full list of ISLANDERS: Console Edition trophies here.
  • Is ISLANDERS: Console Edition on PlayStation Plus?
    No, ISLANDERS: Console Edition is not currently available on any PlayStation Plus tier.
  • When did ISLANDERS: Console Edition release on PlayStation?
    ISLANDERS: Console Edition was released on August 25th, 2021.