Hunting Simulator Updated to Include New Expert ModeRecently released Hunting Simulator has received a new update that brings a new "Expert" game mode in which players can create custom crafted hunting experiences, as well as a Hunter's Lodge to show off trophies. Posted 8 years ago by Chewie
New Hunting Simulator Trailer ReleasedBigben Games released another trailer for their upcoming hunting game Hunting Simulator. The trailer is titled The Hunting Party and features some gameplay video. Posted 8 years ago by Dave Bricker
Hunting Simulator's Weapons and Accessories DetailedWill you choose a Remington or a Browning rifle? Or perhaps you'd prefer a crossbow? A double-barreled shotgun? How will you see your prey without a drone? Or attract them without animal urine? Posted 8 years ago by Kevin Tavore
Hunting Simulator Bestiary Gameplay ReleasedAnother gameplay trailer has been released for Neopica's upcoming Hunting Simulator that will give future hunters an idea of the many different animals they will be hunting once the game is released. Posted 8 years ago by Ashley Woodcock
Hunting Simulator Gameplay ReleasedThe first gameplay trailer has been released for Neopica's upcoming Hunting Simulator. The video showcases hunters, different attire and gear, animals, weapons, and very impressive looking environments. Posted 8 years ago by Ashley Woodcock
Hunting Simulator AnnouncedSick of Cabela's utter domination in the hunting game scene? This year, there is a new competitor in town and it is simply named Hunting Simulator. It's a simulator. For hunting. That's why they call it Hunting Simulator. Posted 8 years ago by Kelly Packard