Hunter's Trophy 2 Europa Trophies Here is the full list of all 42 Hunter's Trophy 2 Europa trophies - there are 31 bronze, 6 silver, 4 gold and 1 platinum.Filter Trophy View View Image viewList view Sort by TrueTrophy desc TrueTrophy asc Trophy name desc Trophy name asc Ratio desc Ratio asc Gamers desc Gamers asc PSN order Date won desc Date won asc Flag Filter All None 40 Offline Mode 40 Single Player 9 Main Storyline 9 Collectable 5 Cumulative + 7 Level 3 Shop 2 Unobtainable 1 Platinum Link flagsOR joinAND join Trophies without these flags What are trophy flags? Click to find outApply Hunter's TrophyGet all the trophies of Hunter's Trophy 2 - Europa Bad masterHaving killed a dog Very bad masterHaving killed 10 dogs CleanerKill 10 pests ExterminatorKill 30 pests DalekKill 100 pests PoacherKill a wolf It's time to trainUnlock the shooting range Trained up!Participate in all shooting range tests Ninja!While stalking, do not get spotted by a big game animal ProtectorFinish a hunting weekend without killing a single dog Bad hunterKill an animal that is not in the hunt plan Perfect scoreScore 80 points in target shooting in the shooting range SniperWhile stalking, kill a big game animal at more than 80 m Accomplished hunterTake your first big game animal Good studentGet the hunting permit Hunting companionGet the dog-handler permit No more joking around!Get the big game permit Without breathingGet the pro permit Bull's eyeGet the sniper permit Bang! ApprenticeHunter Level 2 achieved Bang! NoviceHunter Level 5 achieved Bang! MasterHunter Level 10 achieved Bang! ExpertHunter Level 15 achieved Bang! ProfessionalHunter Level 20 achieved Good reflexes!Kill a fleeing big game animal The snipe hunterKill 3 prey using a dispersion weapon Swamp trackerTake 5 pheasants during the hunting weekend in Camargue Plains trackerTake 5 pheasants during the hunting weekend in Corrèze Mountain trackerTake 5 pheasants during the hunting weekend in the Alps Hills trackerTake 5 pheasants during the hunting weekend in the Highlands Forest trackerTake 5 pheasants during the hunting weekend in the Black Forest Swamp hunterTake the roebuck during the hunting weekend in Camargue Plains hunterTake the boar during the hunting weekend in Corrèze Mountain hunterTake the chamois during the hunting weekend in the Alps Hills hunterTake the deer during the hunting weekend in the Highlands Forest hunterTake the sika deer during the hunting weekend in the Black Forest Sunday hunterParticipate at least once in all of the hunting week-ends End of seasonFinish the hunting season A hunter that knows how to huntUnlock all of the hunter's skills Well-equippedUnlock all of the hunting equipment The season's overComplete all of the hunt plans for the Hunting Season