Horse Tales: Emerald Valley Ranch Trophies Here is the full list of all 33 Horse Tales: Emerald Valley Ranch trophies - there are 13 bronze, 15 silver, 4 gold and 1 platinum.Filter Trophy View View Image viewList view Sort by TrueTrophy desc TrueTrophy asc Trophy name desc Trophy name asc Ratio desc Ratio asc Gamers desc Gamers asc PSN order Date won desc Date won asc What are trophy flags? Click to find outApply CompletionistUnlock all trophies NewbieComplete the tutorial BuilderBuild your first building Horse WhispererCure a horse's fear or negative trait A helping handDo the Woodsman a favor The Birds and the BeesBreed a horse Junior Show JumperJump 100 times with a horse Racing horseRun 5km with a horse Like LemmingsLeap 250 times to your death Tea TimeReach the pavilion in High Garden Apple PieCollect 50 apples Stud ManagerBreed 20 horses Tenacious ExplorerDiscover every zone on the map Bon appétit!Perfectly complete the feeding minigame MasseurPerfectly complete the petting minigame Squeaky cleanPerfectly complete the washing minigame so the horse is squeaky clean Equine CoiffeurPerfectly complete the brushing minigame Rodeo RiderTame a wild horse Beginner's LuckScore first in a race ChampionComplete all 8 race tracks BuckarooTame 10 horses Paranormal InvestigatorThe secret about the ghost horse has been revealed A Star On The RiseComplete the main story The MastercrafterMeet Noella and reach the Flatlands race track The Champion of Sneaky WaysGet to know Lili Finding EsmeéHelp Gabriel find Esmée Finding LiliFind and help Lili FriendshipBefriend Lili Party CrasherThrow an unsuccessful party Legendary SteedFind the Emerald Valley Devil Surprise!Attend your surprise party! Dog LoverPet a dog Cat LoverPet a cat 1 guide