HAWKED Trophies Here is the full list of all 30 HAWKED trophies - there are 14 bronze, 10 silver, 5 gold and 1 platinum.Filter Trophy View View Image viewList view Sort by TrueTrophy desc TrueTrophy asc Trophy name desc Trophy name asc Ratio desc Ratio asc Gamers desc Gamers asc PSN order Date won desc Date won asc Flag Filter All None 29 Online Mode 16 Single Player 19 Cumulative + 2 Shop 1 Level 26 Cooperative 25 Versus 1 Time/Date 1 x4 Players Required 1 Platinum Link flagsOR joinAND join Trophies without these flags What are trophy flags? Click to find outApply Hall of HawkedObtain all other trophies Renegade PartyDance on the Riftwake's disco floor with 3 other players Full SetEquip an item into every slot of your Loadout Gear CollectorPurchase 5 Gears Artifact CollectorExtract Artifacts from X-Isle 10 times Upgrade NoviceFully upgrade 1 item Upgrade ProfessionalFully upgrade 3 items Upgrade MasterFully upgrade 7 items Booster ShopperPurchase 100 Boosters from the GRAIL shop Agent of GRAILReach GRAIL Loyalty Level 10 Renegade of StyleChange the color of cosmetic items 10 times BasherEliminate 200 non-player enemies with a melee attack GnasherEliminate 200 non-player enemies with a headshot CrasherEliminate 300 non-player enemies using traps or grenades Scorched IslandDeal 3000 explosion damage to non-player enemies Ace up Your SleeveKnock down 10 Renegades with damage inflicted by Gear Fountain of YouthRestore 5000 Health or Shield Points to squadmates You'll Put Your Eye Out!Knock down 5 Renegades using your Traverser as a slingshot Man in BlackUse every weapon at least once to knock down rival Renegades SpecialistInflict damage or heal with each type of Armament weapon LobberInflict damage with each type of grenade AvengerKnock down a rival Renegade near a fallen squadmate Phantom PlundererDon't lose any health for an entire match But That Thing, It Scares MeSet 50 Renegades on fire Stuntin' On EmStun or disorient 50 Renegades The Curse of X-IsleEliminate 10 entire Renegade squads Muscle MemoryLand 100 headshots on rival Renegades Set Em Up, Knock Em DownKnock down 20 Renegades using environmental damage Treasure the MomentExtract a Treasury Artifact without dealing any damage after picking up the Artifact OpportunistKnock down 100 debuffed Renegades