God of War III Trophies Here is the full list of all 36 God of War III trophies - there are 20 bronze, 10 silver, 5 gold and 1 platinum.Filter Trophy View View Image viewList view Sort by TrueTrophy desc TrueTrophy asc Trophy name desc Trophy name asc Ratio desc Ratio asc Gamers desc Gamers asc PSN order Date won desc Date won asc Flag Filter All None 35 Offline Mode 35 Single Player 16 Main Storyline 1 Difficulty Specific 1 Story Completed 2 Stackable 5 Collectable 8 Missable 6 Cumulative + 2 Level 1 Platinum Link flagsOR joinAND join Trophies without these flags What are trophy flags? Click to find outApply King of the HillUnlock all trophies - WWW.SPARTANSSTANDTALL.COM Releasing the FloodgatesKill Poseidon Hide adsBurnt to a CrispAcquire the Bow of Apollo 1 guideMr. HandDiscover the secret 'Hades Arm' room 1 guideShine LordKill Helios Shoe DeliveryKill Hermes and acquire his Boots I didn’t do it... But I wish I did!Kill the Poseidon Princess Ladies ManSuccessfully entertain Aphrodite 1 guideHandy ManSever Gaia’s hand 1 guideOpen SesameOpen the Gates of Tisiphone Rescue MeSave Pandora Three Wise MenSolve the Three Judges Hit ManPerform a 1000-hit combo 1 guideRip One!Rip apart 1 Olympus Sentry 1 guideNice TanBlind 100 enemies with the Head of Helios 2 guidesObedience SchoolDeliver 50 kicks to Hounds 1 guideIt’s getting hot in here...Burn 100 enemies with the Bow of Apollo 2 guidesSouled OutSummon every Soul with the Claws of Hades 1 guide Bloody HellCover Kratos in 500 buckets of blood by killing the enemies 1 guideNo Guts, No GloryGut 3 Centaur Generals 1 guideHitting Your StrideUpgrade any weapon to the next level 1 guideSibling RivalryKill Hercules Titan SlayerKill Cronos RetributionKill Zeus HookerKill Hades 1 guideFreezer BurnAcquire the Boreas Icestorm Seeing things from a different perspectiveSolve Hera's Gardens Eye CandyCollect all of the Gorgon Eyes Feather PluckerCollect all of the Phoenix Feathers Are You Horny to Win?Collect all of the Minotaur Horns Maxed Out!Completely upgrade all weapons 2 guidesVengeance CompleteBeat the game Up to the ChallengeBeat the Challenge of Olympus 2 guidesUnhumanBeat Titan Mode 3 guides PricelessCollect all of the ‘Godly Possessions’ 1 guideaMAZEdBeat the Labyrinth without dying or failing 2 guides