Gallop Glory: Obstacle Racing & Horse Simulator Trophies Here is the full list of all 23 Gallop Glory: Obstacle Racing & Horse Simulator trophies - there are 7 bronze, 7 silver, 8 gold and 1 platinum.Filter Trophy View View Image viewList view Sort by TrueTrophy desc TrueTrophy asc Trophy name desc Trophy name asc Ratio desc Ratio asc Gamers desc Gamers asc PSN order Date won desc Date won asc What are trophy flags? Click to find outApply Equestrian Champion:Unlock all trophies and become the ultimate horse riding champion New CompanionPurchase your first horse, marking the beginning of your equestrian journey. Endurance ExpertMax out the stamina of your first horse, ensuring it can endure the longest rides. Galloping Heights ConquerorSuccessfully complete the Galloping Heights location, showcasing your riding prowess. Star SeekerAchieve full stars in the Galloping Heights location, demonstrating mastery over its challenges. Leap of FaithJump over 30 obstacles, displaying your horse's agility and your riding skills. Swift FinisherComplete the 5th level at the Galloping Heights location within 25 seconds, showcasing speed and precision Wealthy RiderAccumulate 10,000 coins, proving your success and financial stability in the equestrian world. Expanding StableExpand your collection with the purchase of three horses, broadening your options and capabilities. Soaring JumperEnhance the jumping ability of your second horse to its maximum potential, ensuring it can overcome any obstacle. Canterville ConquerorSuccessfully finish the Canterville location, mastering its diverse terrain Star CollectorAttain full stars in the Canterville location, showcasing your proficiency and dedication. Leap MasteryClear 60 obstacles with precision and skill, demonstrating your horse's training and your control. Wealth AccumulatorAmass a fortune of 20,000 coins, solidifying your financial standing and success. Efficient RiderComplete the 5th level at the Canterville location within 30 seconds, exhibiting both speed and accuracy. Expanded CollectionExpand your stable further by acquiring five horses, proving your commitment to excellence Speed EnthusiastMaximize the speed of your third horse, ensuring it's the fastest in the stable Completion of 5th Level at BridlewoodFinish the 5th level at the Bridlewood Location within 50 seconds, demonstrating exceptional speed and skill. Bridlewood MasteryConquer the challenging Bridlewood location, demonstrating your expertise in varied terrains. Star PerfectorAchieve full stars in the Bridlewood location, showcasing your mastery of its demanding courses Leap MaestroClear 100 obstacles with grace and precision, proving your horse's training and your expertise. Wealth Accumulation MasterAccumulate a substantial sum of 30,000 coins, affirming your financial success and prosperity Level CompletionistEarn 1050 coins for successfully completing each level, showcasing your consistent excellence and dedication.