7. Final Fantasy XV Pocket Edition HD Chapter 5 - SeaworthyUpdate notes

The start of Chapter 5 kicks off with a few cutscenes and a driving section. After we these, we find ourselves in Old Lestallum:

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As you can see from the map, we find our first ingredients of the chapter here. Additionally, we have a few Cactuar statues to find here.

The first Cactuar can be found near one of the small island dividers:

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The second and third Cactuars can be found across the street on the West side, with 1 on top of a truck and the other nearby on top of an electrical box:

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The fourth and final Cactuar can be found a bit East of the last two, on top of a table next to the Shop:

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That's all we have to do in Old Lestallum, so we can quickly move into the next area, Fort Vaullerey.


The map of Fort Vaullerey can be found below:

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This area is extremely straightforward and doesn't have anything special to look out for until you hit the boss, Aranea, at the end of the area. There's nothing special in this battle, just defeat her and you'll be able to move on to the next section.

This is it for another fairly quick section, on to Cape Caem.


A map of Cape Caem can be found below:

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Before proceeding into the next area, we have a few things to cover here. The treasure hunt in the middle of the map is fairly easy, as there isn't too much ground to cover.

The first dig spot can be found between the oil drum and set of logs:

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The second dig spot can be found just below the bush and dead tree right above the first spot:

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The third and final dig spot can be found a little farther North in a spot that's between the container, a bush, and the shed:

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The next step is to get the Cactuar statues around Cape Caem. To mix things up a bit, we actually have a set of 3 statues to get now and another 3 to get later in the chapter after we revisit Cape Caem again. The first 3 Cactuar statues can be found as follows:

The first Cactuar can be found on top of the red container in the same area as the treasure hunt:

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The second Cactuar can be found just outside the treasure hunt area across from Talcott:

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The third Cactuar can be found back near the start of the area:

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After finding these 3, we're ready to speak with Talcott and move into the next area, Steyliff Grove.


A map of Steyliff Grove can be found below (the map won't officially look like this until after you speak with Ardyn):

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Next we move into the Steyliff Grove dungeon, with our new "friend" Aranea (didn't we just fight her?).


A map of the full Steyliff Grove dungeon can be found below:

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There are a few things to keep aware of in this dungeon:

-You'll find piles of rubble that you can destroy, similar to boxes. After hitting 5 of these, you'll pop a trophy:

For reference, the piles look like this:

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-The final boss of the dungeon, Quetzalcoatl, has an RNG-based trophy associated with it. You'll need the final hit against it to be performed by Aranea's special command attack, Highwind. You only have one shot at this, so if you miss it, you'll have to do the chapter over again (or quit the game and restart it if you're quick enough and the auto-save hasn't kicked in yet. Once you end the battle with Highwind, you'll pop another trophy:

-Lastly, this dungeon is long, but nearly as straightforward as it gets. If you haven't gotten the trophy for killing all enemies in 3 dungeons, this is a great dungeon to do it in. Make sure you cover all of the nooks and crannies! As it'll likely take a few attempts to end the boss fight with Highwind, you will have to replay the dungeon a few times. On top of that, because of the number of enemies, you'll get a ton of xp and level up quickly, making each battle easier.


Our next area is the EXINERIS Power Plant. A map can be found below:

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While in this area, just clear out the enemies as fast as you can. If you have a Royal Arm or Armiger attack saved up, make sure you use it! If you can clear out the enemies in under 2 minutes, you'll pop another trophy (a timer will appear at the top of the screen to help you keep track of how much time has passed):

There's a few cutscenes after this around Lestallum, but there's nothing of note, so make your way over to Cape Caem to finish off the chapter.


Back in Cape Caem, we'll get the next 3 Cactuar statues mentioned earlier.

The first Cactuar statue can be found in the middle of the area where the treasure hunt was previously:

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The second Cactuar statue can be found on the North side of the dilapidated building:

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The third and final Cactuar statue in Cape Caem can be found jut a little uphill from the previous one on the opposite side of the pathway from the building:

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After you proceed and move through the last few cutscenes, the chapter will end and you'll get the last trophy in the chapter:

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