FIFA 18 (PS3) Trophies

Here is the full list of all 46 FIFA 18 trophies - there are 34 bronze, 8 silver, 3 gold and 1 platinum.

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  • Go low!

    Score a goal using a low shot

  • Magician

    Perform 3 successful threaded through passes with the same player in the attacking third

  • Go Go Goal!

    Score a Penalty Kick after stuttering

  • A+

    Win a penalty shoot-out without missing

  • You're a real keeper!

    Score a goal from a counter attack that started with a goalkeeper driven throw

  • It's what I do

    Score by performing an outside of the foot free kick

  • Corner Pro

    Score 2 goals from a corner in a match

  • Get your head in the game

    Score a goal with a downward header

  • Sharp Shooter

    During open play, score a long-distance goal with a defender (25 yards out)

  • Challenge? What challenge?

    Complete your first Squad Building Challenge in FUT

  • Pristine Victory

    Win all 4 matches in an Online Draft Mode session in FUT

  • Perfect Practice

    Win all 4 matches in a Single Player Draft Mode session in FUT

  • Debut

    First appearance in the Starting 11 or the Subs of a player bought from the Transfer Market in FUT

  • The 50's

    Have a player score their 50th goal at the club in FUT

  • Friends for now

    Win a Friendly Season in FUT

  • Just visiting

    Sign a Loan Player from the EASFC Catalogue

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  • How many trophies are there in FIFA 18?
    There are 46 trophies in FIFA 18 - 34 bronze, 8 silver, 3 gold and 1 platinum.
    You can view the full list of FIFA 18 trophies here.
  • Is FIFA 18 on PlayStation Plus?
    No, FIFA 18 is not currently available on any PlayStation Plus tier.
  • When did FIFA 18 release on PlayStation?
    FIFA 18 was released on September 29th, 2017.