Exographer Trophies Here is the full list of all 42 Exographer trophies - there are 28 bronze, 9 silver, 4 gold and 1 platinum.Filter Trophy View View Image viewList view Sort by TrueTrophy desc TrueTrophy asc Trophy name desc Trophy name asc Ratio desc Ratio asc Gamers desc Gamers asc PSN order Date won desc Date won asc What are trophy flags? Click to find outApply 100%Unlock all Trophies End of gameDiscover Shgig’s boson Staying aliveFinish the game without dying Done with the CavesComplete the Luminous Cave pages Done with the ForgeComplete the Glowing Forge pages Done with the FieldsComplete the Elementary Field pages Done with the CosmicsComplete the Mount Cosmic pages Done with the BordersComplete the Shattered Border pages Done with the DepthComplete the flooded depth pages All pixulesFill the pixule rosette Life is shortDie as soon as you can Square analysisComplete a 4-card analysis PoweronFind the first aspect of a poweron Natitan pictureShoot a picture of a natitan clue TeleportTeleport freely for the first time TelescopeSee Gelma at the mountain top Complete the gameFind all pixules and clues The CavesEnter the Luminous Caves The ForgeEnter the Glowing Forge The FieldsEnter the Elementary Fields The CosmicsEnter Mount Cosmic The BordersEnter the Shattered Borders The DepthEnter the Flooded Depth Liaup’s secretReach the emulsive zone Secret passageFrom the greenhouse to tricollision Get highShoot yourself within a clue while jumping Shgig’s friendTake a selfie with Shgig AntigramFind the antigram tool GluobootsFind the gluonic boots Missing energyFind the energy check tool Zediacal gloveFind the zediacal glove PixulometerFind the pixulometer tool MediagramFind the mediagram tool PhotosphereFind the photonic sphere ChronogramFind the chronogram tool Wedic helmetFind the wedic helmet Infinitely smallFind the zooming tool Poker playerPlay a lot of cards Gluon masterUse the boots plenty of times Zediacal masterUse the glove plenty of times Photon masterUse the sphere plenty of times Wedic masterUse the helmet plenty of times