Enter the Gungeon Trophies Full list of all 55 Enter the Gungeon trophies - 40 bronze, 12 silver, 2 gold and 1 platinum.The base game contains 49 trophies, and there are 2 DLC packs containing 6 trophies.Filter Trophy View View Image viewList view Sort by TrueTrophy desc TrueTrophy asc Trophy name desc Trophy name asc Ratio desc Ratio asc Gamers desc Gamers asc PSN order Date won desc Date won asc DLC Packs Group DLC packs together in list DLC Filter AllOwnedNone Flag Filter All None 54 Offline Mode 54 Single Player 53 Cooperative 53 Host Only 6 Main Storyline 4 Story Completed 26 Collectable 4 Missable 11 Cumulative + 1 Cumulative - 5 Shop 26 Multiple Playthroughs Required 1 Platinum Link flagsOR joinAND join Trophies without these flags What are trophy flags? Click to find outApply Base Base Game (Excludes DLC) 4,307 1,350 49 1 2 12 34 443,0792,423 (6%)80-100h Dat PlatAcquire All Other Trophies Lead GodCollect five Master Rounds in one run PatronSpend big at the Acquisitions Department 1 guideGun GameComplete the game with the Sorceress's Enchanted Gun Gungeon MasterClear the Sixth Chamber GunsmithConstruct the Bullet that can kill the Past 1 guideHistorianComplete all 4 main character Pasts WingmanKill the Pilot's Past Double JeopardyKill the Convict's Past Squad CaptainKill the Marine's Past Deadliest GameKill the Hunter's Past SlayerDefeat the Boss of the Fifth Chamber 1 guideCastle CrasherClear the First Chamber 50 Times Dungeon DiverClear the Second Chamber 40 Times Mine MasterClear the Third Chamber 30 Times Hollowed OutClear the Fourth Chamber 20 Times ForgerClear the Fifth Chamber 10 Times Biggest WalletCarry a large amount of money at once 1 guideCartographer's AssistantMap the first Five Chambers for the lost adventurer Grate HallAccess the Oubliette 1 guideReverence for the DeadAccess the Temple 1 guideRe-ArmedDeliver the Golem's replacement arm Weird TaleComplete Frifle's Challenges 1 guideTrickshotAce Winchester's game 3 times Hedge SlingerWin a wager against the Gunsling King 5 times 1 guideCase ClosedUnlock the Bullet 1 guideBeepUnlock the Robot 1 guideGoing DownOpen the shortcut to the Second Chamber 1 guideGoing DownerOpen the shortcut to the Third Chamber 1 guideGoing DownestOpen the shortcut to the Fourth Chamber Last StopOpen the shortcut to the Fifth Chamber Sworn GunAvenge Manuel 1 guideGungeon AcolyteComplete the Tutorial Great HallPopulate the Breach Not Just A BoxGet the jump on a Mimic 1 guideDemolition ManKill a frozen enemy by rolling into it 1 guideI Knew Someone Would Do ItWhy 1 guideWoodsie LordSteal 10 things Day RuinerKill a boss after covering it with glitter 1 guideLion LeapFall at the last second 1 guideMoney PitKill 100 enemies by dropping chandeliers RiderKill 100 enemies while riding in a mine cart Pit LordKill 100 enemies by knocking them into pits Time ParadoxDie in the Past ExorcistKill a Jammed Boss 2 guidesThe PasswordAccessed the Hidden Market 1 guideJammedYou've met with a terrible fate, haven't you 1 guideRage ModeAlways be flipping. Guns are for flippers 1 guideBeast MasterComplete the game with Beast Mode on 1 guide Update Supply Drop Update 181 45 3 3 4.923,7771,679 (44%)8-10h TerminatedKill the Robot's Past Hero of GunKill the Bullet's Past ChallengerComplete Daisuke's trial Update Advanced Gungeons and Draguns 188 45 3 3 5.003,3301,759 (53%)8-10h Advanced SlayerDefeat an Advanced Boss ResourcefulTake Revenge Sledge-DogComplete Tonic's Challenge