Dying Light 2: Stay Human (PS4) Trophies Full list of all 66 Dying Light 2: Stay Human trophies - 55 bronze, 8 silver, 2 gold and 1 platinum.The base game contains 58 trophies, and there is 1 DLC pack containing 8 trophies.Filter Trophy View View Image viewList view Sort by TrueTrophy desc TrueTrophy asc Trophy name desc Trophy name asc Ratio desc Ratio asc Gamers desc Gamers asc PSN order Date won desc Date won asc DLC Packs Group DLC packs together in list DLC Filter AllOwnedNone Flag Filter All None 2 Online Mode 63 Online/Offline 63 Single Player 65 Cooperative 19 Main Storyline 1 Story Completed 11 Collectable 4 Missable 9 Cumulative + 3 Level 1 Platinum Link flagsOR joinAND join Trophies without these flags What are trophy flags? Click to find outApply Base Base Game (Excludes DLC) 3,598 1,350 58 1 1 8 48 3.7914,731680 (5%) Pilgrim's PathUnlock every trophy. Into the UnknownReach Villedor. First ShotUse an Inhibitor for the first time. Herzlich Wilkommen!Enter the Bazaar. Under PressureActivate your first Water Tower. On the Trail of the EnemyLearn Waltz's location. Light in the DarknessActivate your first Electrical Substation. Get Outta My House!Defeat the Renegades attacking the Fish Eye. Debris and AshesReach the Observatory. We Will Be Heard!Restore the radio broadcast tower. Known AssociateLearn the whereabouts of Veronika Ryan. Brush with DeathWake up after the missile strike. Going DownEnter the X-13 elevator. Family FirstFind your sister. Your World, Your RulesComplete the game with any ending. Municipal ServicesAssign all Facilities. Tunnel EntranceActivate your first Metro Station. Tube MapActivate all Metro Stations. Sancho PanzaActivate your first Windmill. Tickets, Please!Use a Metro Station to Fast Travel. Don QuixoteActivate all Windmills. 2 guidesCan't You Read the Signs?Collect all Inhibitors hidden in GRE Quarantines. Find Anything Interesting?Open all Airdrops. It Wasn't That Hard, Was It?Defeat your first GRE Anomaly. RevenantsDefeat all GRE Anomalies. Flag BurningClear your first Bandit Camp. Ban HammerClear all Bandit Camps. You Never Forget Your First...Craft your first item. Oh, So This Is How It Works!Modify your weapon for the first time. A Friend in Need...Help 50 survivors in Encounters. Parkour MasterAchieve maximum Parkour Proficiency. Combat MasterAchieve maximum Combat Proficiency. Boot LickerReach City Alignment 7 for any faction. Who Wants To Be a...Collect 1,000,000 in Old World Money. Man On a MissionMeet all your Sparker love interests. UltramarathonTravel at least 960km. After the FallFall from a combined height of at least 10,994 meters. Good Night & Good LuckSurvive your first night. Can't Touch This!Kill 20 enemies in a row with melee weapons without taking damage. Night HunterKill a Volatile. Death From AfarKill a Spitter using a ranged weapon. Tanning SalonUse the UV Flashlight to kill a Viral. Terminal HeadachePerform 50 headshots with a ranged weapon. Slowpoke!Lose the maximum level of Chase. Being All SocialJoin a co-op session. That's Teamwork!Kill 100 enemies while playing with at least 2 other players. Lightning ReflexesPerform a Perfect Block 10 times in a row without taking damage. ModderModify your weapons at least 50 times. Fit as a FiddleMax out your Health. IronheartMax out your Stamina. You're Going Down!Perform 50 takedowns. Don't Look UpPerform Smash on at least 50 enemies. Get the Point?Kill 50 enemies with a Spear. True NightrunnerComplete all Nightrunner Trials. Bing Bang Boom!Perform an Air Kick after a Double Wall Run. ArchivistFind all Collectible Notes. AudiophileFind all Collectible Recordings. 1 guideStreet Art AficionadoDiscover all Graffiti Tag Collectibles. 1 guide Add-on Bloody Ties 588 195 8 1 7 0.001,084128 (12%) NemesisMeet Skullface Enter the HallReach the Carnage Hall Night of TerrorsSurvive the Night of Terrors My Friend CiroDecide Ciro's fate SkullcrusherDefeat Skullface The Madman of VilledorEarn a gold medal in all 'Madmen of Villedor' trials. True ChampionEarn a gold medal in all Carnage Hall shows. ConnoisseurFind all Carnage Hall collectables.