Dungeon Hunter: Alliance (Vita) Trophies Here is the full list of all 56 Dungeon Hunter: Alliance trophies - there are 48 bronze, 5 silver, 2 gold and 1 platinum.Filter Trophy View View Image viewList view Sort by TrueTrophy desc TrueTrophy asc Trophy name desc Trophy name asc Ratio desc Ratio asc Gamers desc Gamers asc PSN order Date won desc Date won asc Flag Filter All None 2 Online Mode 53 Online/Offline 53 Single Player 20 Main Storyline 2 Difficulty Specific 19 Cumulative + 1 Shop 5 Level 1 Multiple Playthroughs Required 55 Cooperative 1 x4 Players Required 1 Platinum Link flagsOR joinAND join Trophies without these flags What are trophy flags? Click to find outApply Champion of GothicusEarn all trophies in the game. Dungeon TraineeReach level 2 with one character. Dungeon RaiderReach level 10 with one character. Dungeon SeekerReach level 25 with one character. Dungeon ExplorerReach level 50 with one character. Dungeon MasterReach level 75 with one character. Boss Goblin Go BoomDefeat the Goblin King in a single or multiplayer game. United We StandComplete the game in a 4-player multiplayer game on any difficulty level. Bottoms UpDrink 200 potions with one character. BloodlustDefeat 10,000 monsters with one character. Hero Of The PeopleComplete all quests in Hero difficulty. Pure SkillDefeat a boss using only skills, no basic attacks. ExecutionerDefeat a monster with a single blow. The Legend Can Be ToldComplete the game on Legend difficulty. Strength And HonorComplete the game as a warrior. Courage And GraceComplete the game as a rogue. Power And WisdomComplete the game as a mage. Long Live The KingComplete the game with all 3 character classes. Big SpenderPurchase at least one item from every merchant. Shake It!Recover from Stun, Fear, or Confuse 25 times by shaking the PS Vita system. Looking For LootOpen 30 treasure chests with one character. ChatterboxInitiate a conversation with every character in the game. Guardian AngelResurrect 20 teammates in a multiplayer game. BlademasterDefeat 300 monsters using only swords (1H or 2H). Little WomenControl the fairies to damage 200 enemies. Crystal ScavengerUse the fairies to uncover 10 crystals buried underground. Good Night, Sweet PrinceDefeat the Bandit Prince in a single or multiplayer game. Along Came a Spider...Defeat Seba the Man-Eater in a single or multiplayer game. Broken WingsDefeat the Cloud Beast in a single or multiplayer game. He Slimed MeDefeat the Depth Beast in a single or multiplayer game. Rise from Your GraveDefeat Reldin in a single or multiplayer game. Dead DogDefeat the Big Bad Wolf in a single or multiplayer game. Ashes To AshesDefeat the Warlord in a single or multiplayer game. Dust To DustDefeat the Stone Devil in a single or multiplayer game. Rest In PeaceDefeat Lord Plenko in a single or multiplayer game. Playing with FireDefeat the Forge Monster in a single or multiplayer game. To Catch a KillerDefeat the Darklin Assassin in a single or multiplayer game. Failure Is Not an OptionDefeat the Corrupted Captain in a single or multiplayer game. Avenge the FallenDefeat Jeremo in a single or multiplayer game. Eternal PunishmentDefeat Gilgrath Zire in a single or multiplayer game. Shalandriel's ChosenDefeat Shalandriel the Eternal Keeper in a single or multiplayer game. Battle of the ElementsDefeat all five Generals in a single or multiplayer game. The Darkness DefeatedDefeat the Dark Queen in a single or multiplayer game. Killer InstinctDefeat the Dark Fairy in a single or multiplayer game without taking damage. 1 guideGrand MagusDefeat 500 monsters using Fairy Spells. BerserkerDefeat 300 monsters using only axes (1H or 2H). AssassinDefeat 300 monsters using only daggers. HunterDefeat 300 monsters using only bows. WarlockDefeat 300 monsters using only staffs. GladiatorDefeat 300 monsters using only maces. SorcererDefeat 300 monsters using only orbs. Dragon LancerDefeat 300 monsters using only polearms. Eagle EyeDefeat 300 monsters using only crossbows. Panzer HandDefeat 2,000 monsters using only 2H weapons. Night StalkerDefeat 300 monsters by wielding two daggers at the same time. WarmancerUse every skill in the game once.