Sony is shutting down SingStar and Driveclub servers next yearSony is shutting down servers for SingStar, Driveclub, Driveclub VR and Driveclub Bikes next year, making several trophies unobtainable. Posted 6 years ago by Sean Carey
DRIVECLUB Servers Close Next Year for All GamesDRIVECLUB, Driveclub VR, and DRIVECLUB BIKES are all due to be delisted in August, before their servers will close in March 2020. Posted 6 years ago by Rebecca Smith
Poll: What's Your Position on PlayStation VR?PlayStation VR has been around for about a year and a half now. While it hasn't lit the world on fire, Sony continue to support the hardware and interesting games arrive regularly. How does the TT community feel about PSVR? Posted 7 years ago by Sam Quirke
PlayStation VR Launch Titles ConfirmedSony has released the official list of titles confirmed to launch with the VR's release on October 13th, and it's quite a healthy list. Posted 9 years ago by Cindy Minguez
Retail Releases: Week Of October 10th, 2016This week sees the first wave of VR titles release as well as, Aragami, Criminal Girls 2, Dragon Quest Builders, Geometry Wars³, Loading Human, REUS, Root Letter, Skylanders Imaginators, SPACE HULK, WRC 6, WWE 2K17, and more. Posted 9 years ago by Ashley Woodcock
TT@EGX 2016: Hands-On With Playstation VRThere were many, many games and a fair amount of hardware at EGX this year but there was just one thing that I personally just had to try out: Playstation VR. Posted 9 years ago by Rebecca Smith
Driveclub VR AnnouncedIn a recent PlayStation Blog, Nicco Orru of Sony Interactive announced that Driveclub is coming to the world of virtual reality with Driveclub VR. Posted 9 years ago by Cindy Minguez