Dragon's Dogma Trophies Here is the full list of all 51 Dragon's Dogma trophies - there are 42 bronze, 5 silver, 3 gold and 1 platinum.Filter Trophy View View Image viewList view Sort by TrueTrophy desc TrueTrophy asc Trophy name desc Trophy name asc Ratio desc Ratio asc Gamers desc Gamers asc PSN order Date won desc Date won asc Flag Filter All None 50 Online/Offline 50 Single Player 15 Main Storyline 1 Story Completed 4 Collectable 7 Missable 6 Cumulative + 3 Level 3 Shop 1 Multiple Playthroughs Required 1 Platinum Link flagsOR joinAND join Trophies without these flags What are trophy flags? Click to find outApply The True ArisenCollected all other Dragon's Dogma trophies. It BeginsCompleted the prologue. OnwardDeparted from Cassardis. 1 guideA New AllySummoned your own pawn. 1 guideGetting a HeadEarned the approval of the Enlistment Corps. 1 guideThe CourierEntered Gran Soren. 1 guideWrit LargeReceived a writ from the castle. 1 guideCome CourtingAttended an audience with the duke. 1 guideThe MessageReceived the duke's commendation. 1 guideRough LandingCompleted the urgent mission. 1 guideDestinyAccepted the Godsbane blade. 1 guideTreacherousPeered into the very depths of the world. 1 guideFreedomEscaped the yoke of eternity. 1 guideMercyDealt the blow of deliverance. 1 guideSolitudeObtained the almighty power of sovereignty. 1 guideServitudeSoar unto a new world. 1 guidePeaceTook refuge in an illusion. 1 guideClosurePut an end to all things. 1 guideThe LaborerCompleted 50 notice board quests. 1 guideThe HeroCompleted all pre-planned, non-notice board quests. 2 guidesHuman ResourcesChanged your vocation. 1 guideThe SpecialistLearned all the skills of a single vocation. 1 guideThe VeteranDefeated 3,000 enemies. 1 guideHeadshunterDefeated a hydra or archydra. 1 guideEye ContactDefeated an evil eye. 1 guideSerpents' BaneDefeated a drake, wyrm, and wyvern. 1 guideThe MessiahDefeated the Ur-Dragon. 1 guideLocal RecruitDirectly enlisted a pawn to your party. 1 guideForeign RecruitEnlisted a pawn to your party from beyond the rift. 2 guidesThe CaptainEnlisted a large number of pawns. 1 guideInhuman ResourcesChanged your main pawn's vocation. 1 guideThe SaviorUsed a Wakestone to restore the dead to life. 1 guideThe KnaveObtained a forgery. 1 guideThe ArtisanCombined two materials to make an item. 1 guideDragon ForgedStrengthened equipment in wyrmfire. 1 guideWell EquippedObtained 350 pieces total of weapons and armor. 1 guideA Queen's RegaliaDressed a male party member in women's clothing. 1 guideThe PhilanthropistGave 50 presents. 1 guideThe EscortActed as a reliable travel companion. 1 guideAffinity and BeyondRaised a person's affinity to the maximum. 1 guideInto Dripstone CaveEntered the azure caverns. 1 guideInto the Ancient QuarryEntered the ancient quarry. 1 guideInto Soulflayer CanyonEntered the Soulflayer Canyon. 1 guideInto the ManseEntered the duke's manse. 1 guideInto the Frontier CavernsEntered the southwestern caves. 1 guideThe TouristVisited 50 locations. 1 guideThe VagabondVisited 100 locations. 1 guideThe ExplorerVisited 150 locations. 1 guideThe Ever-Turning WheelCompleted the adventure a second time. 1 guideThe Coin CollectorEarned a total of 10,000,000G. 1 guideThe PatronHelped Madeleine open her shop. 1 guide