15. Dragon Age: Inquisition DLC - The DescentUpdate notes

DLC - The Descent

The Descent is the second DLC for Dragon Age: Inquisition. This DLC sends you to the Deep Roads to investigate earthquakes occurring beneath the surface of the Storm Coast. The quakes have been getting so bad that mine shafts are beginning to collapse, and the dwarves of Orzammar have petitioned you for help as it threatens the Inquisition's lyrium supply.

This DLC adds 4 trophies. As far as trophies go, these ones are as straightforward as they come. None of the trophies are really missable, and most are story related. Difficulty does not effect trophies so feel free to play this DLC on casual. Coming into this DLC at a high level, all of the enemies in here were already scaled to level 27. I'm not exactly sure if you come at a lower level if the enemies will be scaled to your level or not.

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To start this DLC, you must have reached Skyhold. Head to the War Table, and it will cost 16 Power to unlock the "Disaster in the Deep Roads" operation. It does not matter which advisor you let complete the operation. This operation will appear on the Ferelden side of the map near the Storm Coast.

Once the operation is unlocked, you can immediately travel to the Storm Coast Fissure. If you'd rather get there by foot head to the Storm Coast, and there will now be an entrance to the Storm Coast Fissure located at Map Location #1 to the very South.

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Storm Coast Fissure

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You start off in the Storm Coast Fissure at Map Location #1. Here you will meet Shaper Valta, and she will fill you in on the earthquakes and the darkspawn problem. She will inform you that the earthquakes have broken a seal that kept the darkspawn contained and the Legion of the Dead are currently fighting them off. She will ask you to follow her to where the fighting is.

Head to Map Location #2, and here you will have to fight an Ogre Alpha. Defeat the Ogre, and you will pop your first trophy:

After defeating the ogre, you will head to where the Legion of Dead are fighting off the darkspawn at Map Location #3. You will have to defeat a few waves of darkspawn, and then you will set charges to seal the hole back up. Once this all plays out, you will be told to set up camp at Map Location #4. Once you do, you will get another cutscene, and you will be introduced to a dwarf Legionnaire named Renn.

Once the cutscene is done, you will receive a pop up that tells you to inspect the Expedition Table. The Expedition Table is like the War Table in Skyhold. There are two sides to the Expedition Table: The Deep Roads and The Uncharted Abyss. You will only be able to do one operation at the moment and that is the Deep Roads Expeditions: Legion Camp Improvements. Completing this operation adds crafting tables and a quartermaster to the camp and also gets you another easy trophy:

While exploring the Deep Roads in this DLC, you will be able to unlock other Expedition Table operations that will allow you to gain access to areas of the map that will initially be closed off to you. You will also be able to unlock 3 repeatable operations. None of these are necessary to complete this DLC or to earn trophies, but they do award you with some good gear. Items from this DLC seem to sell for a lot more than other items in the game, so feel free to do them if you want.

When you're ready, take the lift by the camp down to the Darkspawn Warrens.

Darkspawn Warrens

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You start off at Map Location #1 after taking the lift down. When you get to Map Location #4, you will notice that there is a door that is missing some gears. You will need to find the missing gears in this area before you can move on. Places that have flags on the map are spots you might want to check out to complete operations. These are optional so it's up to you if you want to do them or not. As well, throughout the rest of this DLC, you will be able to find Blood Stained Gears all over the place. These are for opening the Sacrificial Gates of Segrummar. 2 of the gates are required to be opened to proceed on while the other 7 are optional. If you want to find all of the gears, then you'll be spamming your search button throughout the rest of the maps. Some of them require a bit of parkour to get to.

Head to Map Location #2, and you will be able to do a quest called Builder's Tower. It's a bit of a puzzle. You will want to move the tower from the left to the right side of the table. A large disk can not sit on top of a small disk. Once the disks are moved over to the opposite side of the table, the treasure chest will unlock.

Also in this room, you can go down some stairs to a lower area. Break the boxes that are blocking the door here, and you will be able to find some loot in the cave area back here. Once done, move on to Map Location #3.

At Map Location #3, you will find some more loot. Also, if you light the first and fourth torches, the sarcophagus in the middle will unlock. By now, you should have found enough gears to unlock the door at Map Location #4, so head there, place the gears, and pull the lever to unlock the door.

Head through the door, and make your way South. At Map Location #5 is an optional door you can open. If you go through here, you will be able to find a Warden's book that shows a secret area you can head to on the next map.

Finish up here and head to Map Location #6. Here you will have to fight some darkspawn including a regular ogre. You will see some dwarven corpses on the ground that you have to inspect once you defeat all of the enemies. This area can be a little glitchy. If you're unable to click on the corpses, run around the area to see if there are anymore darkspawn you have to kill. Sometimes there is an enemy stuck over by Map Location #7 that you need to kill before you can click on them. Once you're able to inspect the corpses, you will get a cut scene. Afterwards, you can unlock an operation to the south that will build a bridge for you to get to some inaccessible locations across the way. You also get a fast travel point here. To complete the operation, you will have to head back to the Expedition Table on the first map.

When you're ready, head to Map Location #7 to take another lift further down.

Ruins of Heidrun Thaig

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You start off this area at Map Location #1. Make your way to Map Location #2 looking for gears along the way. At Map Location #2, you will find 2 doors to open. The door to the South has to be opened to continue on your way. The door to the North is optional. Before moving on you might want to check out Map Location #4. If you found the Warden's book in the Darkspawn Warrens, you will find the area she was talking about around here. If you find her hidden stash, you'll get yourself some good loot.

Ultimately, you will want to make your way all the way South to Map Location #3. Here you will find the Thaig is burning, and you will need to make your way through waves of Darkspawn. You will be able to see how many enemies you have to kill before you face the next wave. Make sure to not stand in the fire as this is a good way to get yourself killed.

Continue fighting your way through the Darkspawn waves to Map Location #5. By this location, your goal should be to kill 2 Ogres. They should be around this area. Once they are killed, you will have to defeat an Emissary Alpha.

Once the Emissary is defeated, you will be able to set up a camp at Map Location #6. You can explore the area back where the fire was and find another gate to open. As well, there are 2 operations that can be unlocked on this map to open up other areas.

When you're ready to move on, head to the Great Lift at Map Location #7, and prepare to enter the Abyss.

Forgotten Caverns

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As always, you start off in the area at Map Location #1. You will be in a dark cavern area and won't be able to see much. Just keep moving on until you get a cut scene. You will run into some new dwarves that call themselves the Sha-Brytol. They carry these special lyrium infused guns. Renn will get shot by one, and you will have to take out all of the enemies. When they are defeated, you will get another cut scene. Afterwards, make your way to location #2. Here you will try to cross a bridge, but it will be blown before you can cross. Instead, you will have to jump across the rocks to make your way to Map Location #3. You can unlock an operation here later to rebuild the bridge across.

Head to Map Location #3 to find the Bastion of the Pure.

Bastion of the Pure

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When you enter the Bastion of the Pure, you will receive a nice little fast travel point at Map Location #1. Your goal in the area will be to kill the stronger Sha-Brytol to receive their staves. These staves can be used to break the lyrium gates the Sha-Brytol have set up to stop you from moving forward.

You can start in this area by heading over to Map Location #2. You will be able to unlock a recurring operation over here for hunting the Cretahl. Continuing South from Map Location #2 will bring you back over to a different area of the Forgotten Caves Map. One location here will have a waystone that you can examine. It says only those who believe may cross. Directly across from the waystone you will see a cave separated by empty space. If you jump into the empty space, a bridge will appear and take you over to a secret Nug King area.

When you're done exploring that area of the map, start making your way to Map Location #3. You will have to break some lyrium gates along the way. Along the way, you can unlock 2 operations to open up more of the map. At Location #3, take the North East route first. You will be able to fight an Arcane Horror in this area and get some more good loot.

Finally make your way to Map Location #5. By now you should have 5 of the Sha-Brytol staves on you. If not you will now have to fight waves of Sha Brytol until you have enough. Before you can get to the Camp at Map Location #6 you will have to break 5 of the lyrium gates. If you have 5 staves, start breaking the gates. As soon as all the gates are broken, the Sha-Brytol waves will stop. You can also unlock an operation in this area to cross over the water to another area. When you head through the door after breaking the gates, you will receive another cut scene and automatically set up the camp at location #6.

Afterwards, head to Map Location #7 to get to the Wellspring.

The Wellspring

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You start off in the Wellspring at Map Location #1. You'll get a cut scene as soon as you enter. You can claim your last Deep Roads Landmark here and you better get it done now. Later on when this area is finished, you will end up getting locked out of this area. This area is very linear, and the only thing you really need to do is fight through the Sha-Brytol to Map Location #2. Around this area, you will get a cut scene with Valta. Afterwards, you will pop a story related trophy:

  • Fact Finder

    Help Shaper Valta discover secret dwarven history.

    Fact Finder
    Offline Mode - These trophies require play in game modes that do not require a connection to any live services, such as Play Station Network.Single Player - These trophies can be obtained by a single player.Main Storyline - These trophies are gained automatically by progressing through the main game mode.

Continue across the bridge to Map Location #3 where you will get another cut scene. Afterwards, you will have to fight the boss, which is a lyrium infused rock creature called the Guardian. This creature is vulnerable to electricity. It's best to keep moving around and attack it's rock tendrils. When you've done enough damage to them, they will break off and reveal a lyrium stump. Destroy the lyrium stump, and then move on to the next one. When the Guardian has been damaged sufficiently, it will start to cast ice mine spells I believe. Avoid the areas on the ground that turn white when it does this. Keep at it, and once the Guardian is defeated, you will receive a nice long cutscene and your last trophy:

Congrats! You're done with The Descent and can now resurface smile!

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