Doughlings: Arcade Trophies Here is the full list of all 51 Doughlings: Arcade trophies - there are 38 bronze, 10 silver, 2 gold and 1 platinum.Filter Trophy View View Image viewList view Sort by TrueTrophy desc TrueTrophy asc Trophy name desc Trophy name asc Ratio desc Ratio asc Gamers desc Gamers asc PSN order Date won desc Date won asc Flag Filter All None 50 Offline Mode 50 Single Player 2 Stackable 35 Cumulative + 10 Shop 1 Platinum Link flagsOR joinAND join Trophies without these flags What are trophy flags? Click to find outApply All-StarYou've received all the trophies! Ghost BusterBanish 100 Ghosts. Hide adsRicochetBounce ball from walls 10000 times. BouncerBounce ball from hero 5000 times. MagneticCatch 100 balls with Robo. Heal Them All!Complete a level by clearing the screen before the time runs out. Wild HeroComplete 50 levels. Time to be a hero!Get your first 3 stars. ConstellationComplete 75 levels with 3 stars. Explorer HeroComplete 75 levels. Local HeroComplete 25 levels. BreakerDestroy 100 Petrified targets. Heroic RevivalDie 10 times. Blue DoctorHeal 500 Blue targets. Vitamin CHeal 50 Flu targets. Green DoctorHeal 500 Green targets. PogoHeal 50 Psychos. Red DoctorHeal 500 Red targets. Yellow DoctorHeal 500 Yellow targets. ShapeshifterMorph 100 times. RockMorph 75 times to Bedrock. Action Movie StarMorph 75 times to Gunner. CyborgMorph 75 times to Robo. AngryMorph 75 times to Smash. Halloween CostumeMorph 50 times to Spook. WallcrawlerMorph 75 times to Webster. SaviorSave 100 Stuck targets. Treasure HunterComplete 1 secret level. Doctor JonesComplete all Secret levels. Sharp ShooterShot 500 bullets with Gunner. PaybackShot 50 Killers. ShowmanShow Off 100 times. LouderShow Off with Bedrock 50 times. HitmanShow Off with Gunner 50 times. ProfessorShow Off with Morpheus 100 times. BlasterShow Off with Robo 50 times. ThunderShow Off with Smash 50 times. NecromancerShow Off with Spook 25 times. WeaverShow Off with Webster 50 times. Super Hero TeamUnlock all heroes. Stone WallFully upgrade Bedrock. The OneFully upgrade Gunner. Mad ScientistFully upgrade all heroes. Full Stack HeroFully upgrade Morpheus. Law EnforcerFully upgrade Robo. LaborantUpgrade any hero with one slot. BiologistFully upgrade any hero. Green GiantFully upgrade Smash. HauntedFully upgrade Spook. Friendly NeighborhoodFully upgrade Webster. InceptionTeleport your ball 50 times between wormholes.