All Don't Starve: Console Edition News

Playstation Store Update: August 5th, 2016

There are plenty of downloadable titles to fill the gap while it is quiet in retail land. There is also DLC for The Division, DOOM and Layers of Fear.

Posted 9 years ago by Rebecca Smith

Don't Starve: Shipwrecked Gets Marooned on PS4 This Spring

Don't Starve: Console Edition is the game with the most play time in my house. Between my wife and me, we've logged well over 100 hours in Klei's misery-simulator. So you can only imagine how happy I am to report that another expansion, Don't Starve: Shipwrecked is coming in just a few weeks! <

Posted 9 years ago by Jon

Don't Starve Together Coming To PS4

At PSX, Klei released a trailer announcing that Don't Starve Together will be coming to PS4 and will allow players to play splitscreen with their friends and family.

Posted 10 years ago by Brandon Fusco

EU Playstation Store Discounts: July 8th, 2015

Week Two of Four has started on the Summer of Digital savings, with more discounts to be had on digital only titles. Joining it this week is a sale on DLC packs; it was not stated which systems the D

Posted 10 years ago by MunchMagic1986

North America PSN Flash Sale: May 15th, 2015

That time of the month rolls around yet again. It's Flash sale time!!!! This month's focus is Deals Under $5, leading to a variety of titles receiving discounts of up to 90%. These deals last until 9

Posted 10 years ago by Rebecca Smith

EU Gets More PS Store Discounts

Another Wednesday rolls around and so does the start of another Playstation Store sale in Europe. The deals for the next fortnight focus on digital offerings, so we see discounts on Playstation Netwo

Posted 11 years ago by Rebecca Smith

Pax Prime 2014 Sale - North America

We all love deals. In traditional celebration of Seattle's PAX Prime this week, 18 games have gone on sale. This sale runs through Monday, September 1st, so be sure to go through it all before then.

Posted 11 years ago by Shadow Enz