Latest DmC: Devil May Cry News

NA Playstation Store Discounts: August 11th, 2015

Europe's Summer Sale may well be ongoing, but the discounts have come to an end in North America. Instead, we have a Square Enix sale and a small Devil May Cry sale to fill the gap. This is joined by

Posted 9 years ago by Rebecca Smith

EU Playstation Store Discounts: July 29th, 2015

Today marks the start of the Summer Sale, with lots of games reduced. Half of these games are on sale now, with the second half going live in two weeks - August 12th. Put down those cocktails, get of

Posted 9 years ago by MunchMagic1986

NA Playstation Store Discounts: July 7th, 2015

After last week's solitary special publisher sale, Sony returns with a larger Superhero sale. Alongside that is week one of the Conversations with Creators discounts that celebrate that start of the

Posted 9 years ago by Rebecca Smith

EU Playstation Store Discounts: July 8th, 2015

Week Two of Four has started on the Summer of Digital savings, with more discounts to be had on digital only titles. Joining it this week is a sale on DLC packs; it was not stated which systems the D

Posted 9 years ago by MunchMagic1986

NA Playstation Store Discounts: June 23rd, 2015

E3 is over, as is all of the chaos. decided to take it easy this week and only mention the new weekly discounts and new PS+ deals, although they did also mention some of the permanen

Posted 9 years ago by Rebecca Smith

NA Playstation Store Discounts: June 16th, 2015

It's E3. You've probably noticed by now. Maybe it's something to do with the deluge of news that has assaulted the front page. Anyway, I interrupt that deluge to bring you news of this week's discoun

Posted 9 years ago by Rebecca Smith

New PSN Sale Starts In EU

With the new lineup of Playstation Plus games available now, and some of the sales from last week still going on, you may be thinking your wallet is safe for now - well think again. Sony has launched

Posted 9 years ago by MunchMagic1986

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