Here is the full list of all 16 Digger HD trophies - there are 11 bronze and 5 silver.
Complete all levels in "Mongolia" episode
Complete all levels in "Arctic" episode
Complete all levels in "Sahara" episode
Complete 9 levels in a row in Survival mode
Complete 20 levels in a row in Co-op Arcade mode
Complete 8 levels in a row in Vintage mode
Kill 300 monsters in Arcade mode
Perform 7 combos in a single level in Arcade mode
Collect all archaeological artifacts
Eat 4 monsters using one Cherry Bucket power-up in a single level in Arcade mode or in Survival mode
Kill 3 monsters with a single bag in any mode except Vintage
Collect all gold in 25 different levels in Arcade mode
Gain another extra life while having 4 extra lives already in Arcade mode or in Co-op Arcade mode
Kill Digger and 4 monsters with a single fire bomb napalm in Arcade mode or in Co-op Arcade mode
Kill a dancing monster in any mode except Vintage
Complete any level (except bonus levels) in frozen state in Arcade mode or in Co-op Arcade mode