Delta Squad (EU) Trophies Here is the full list of all 13 Delta Squad (EU) trophies - there are 1 silver, 11 gold and 1 platinum.Filter Trophy View View Image viewList view Sort by TrueTrophy desc TrueTrophy asc Trophy name desc Trophy name asc Ratio desc Ratio asc Gamers desc Gamers asc PSN order Date won desc Date won asc Flag Filter All None 12 Offline Mode 12 Single Player 12 Cooperative 2 Main Storyline 5 Cumulative + 1 Platinum Link flagsOR joinAND join Trophies without these flags What are trophy flags? Click to find outApply Platinum SoldierGet all other trophies. StarterStarting, complete any level ArmedUse your secondary weapon Boss KillerEliminate one of the bosses No Tanks allowedDestroy a tank KillerKill 10 Heavy soldiers No EngineersKill 25 Engineer soldiers BullseyeKill 3 enemies with a single grenade InfantryKill 50 Infantry soldiers Medical assistanceHeal yourself or heal someone else Bullseye MasterKill 5 enemies with a single grenade SurvivalistSurvive at least 5 waves in survival mode MegaSurvivalistSurvive at least 10 waves in survival mode