Dead Island (JP) Trophies Full list of all 59 Dead Island (JP) trophies - 43 bronze, 14 silver, 1 gold and 1 platinum.The base game contains 49 trophies, and there is 1 DLC pack containing 10 trophies.Filter Trophy View View Image viewList view Sort by TrueTrophy desc TrueTrophy asc Trophy name desc Trophy name asc Ratio desc Ratio asc Gamers desc Gamers asc PSN order Date won desc Date won asc DLC Packs Group DLC packs together in list DLC Filter AllOwnedNone Flag Filter All None 58 Online/Offline 50 Single Player 4 Main Storyline 2 Collectable 23 Cumulative + 1 Missable 4 Level 58 Cooperative 1 Host Only 1 Time/Date 2 x4 Players Required 1 Platinum 1 Story Completed Link flagsOR joinAND join Trophies without these flags What are trophy flags? Click to find outApply Base Base Game (Excludes DLC) 2,150 1,260 49 1 1 11 36 3.22,559394 (15%) The Whole World Went AwayCollect all other trophies. One is all I needKill 5 Infected in a row with a single blow. Can't touch thisUse a hammer to kill a series of 15 zombies without taking damage. HumanitarianKill 50 human enemies. Light my fireSet 10 zombies on fire simultaneously. 10 heads are better than 1Kill 10 zombies in a row with headshots. A taste of everythingKill a zombie with 10 different melee weapons. To put it bluntlyKill 250 zombies using blunt melee weapons. Hack & slashKill 250 zombies using edged melee weapons. Guns don't kill but they helpKill 250 zombies using firearms. Tae Kwon LeapKill 25 zombies with your bare fists. I want one of thoseCustomize 25 weapons. Karma-geddonKill 50 zombies using a vehicle. Catch!Kill an Infected with a grenade blast. Road TripDrive a total distance of 10 kilometers. CardioTravel a distance of 20 kilometers on foot. Rootin' Tootin' Lootin'Loot 5 Exceptional Weapons. Tis but a flesh wound!Sever 100 limbs. There and back againExplore the entire island. Ah! Spoiled meat!Kill a Butcher using an axe. Oh, no you don'tKill a Ram using tackle skill. Gesundheit!Heal yourself with a medkit 100 times. Swing them sticksKill 150 enemies using Analog Fighting controls. Everybody liesUse a large medkit to heal an injury of 5% or less. Hell in paradiseComplete act I. No raccoons in hereComplete act II. King of the jungleComplete act III. Banoi RedemptionComplete act IV. Right 4 LifeComplete act I with 4 different characters. A very special dayKill 250 zombies with modified weapons. How many days exactly?Play Dead Island at least 28 days after starting it for the first time. Busy, busy, busyFinish 75 quests cumulatively. Learning the ropesReach level 10. Dedicated studentReach level 25. School of hard knocksReach level 50. First!Kill a Suicider with a grenade. Knock, knockBreach a locked door with the first blow. Gotta find'em allFind 60 collectibles. Nearly thereFind 120 collectibles. Steam PunkCreate weapons to rival the gods of fire or thunder. SaviorSave 5 people besieged by zombies. Need a hand?Join another player's game. Warranty Void if UsedCreate a customized weapon. RagemanKill 100 enemies with Fury attacks. People PersonPlay with 10 different co-op partners for at least 15 minutes each. Ménage à troisComplete 5 quests with 3 co-op partners. OriginalityPlay in a co-op team of 4 different playable characters. Together in the lightComplete 5 quests in a single co-op game with the same partners. Going steadyComplete 25 quests while playing with at least one co-op partner. Add-on Bloodbath Arena 360 195 10 3 7 0.00743227 (31%) Wave and SmilePlay any Arena in co-op. Extreme FirefightingSet 5 enemies on fire and then kill them with explosives. Out of honey? Chew bees!Survive 5 waves using only your fists and legs. Complete a setKill enemies of 6 different types during a single round. Looking for troubleSurvive 5 waves in each of the 4 Arenas. Stick it to the enemySurvive 15 consecutive waves using the analog combat controls. Gladiator schoolSurvive 15 consecutive waves with each of the 4 characters. FancySurvive 10 consecutive waves using only custom weapons. Morituri te salutantSurvive 30 consecutive waves with at least one co-op player. Death IncarnateSurvive wave 30.