Latest Dark Souls News

Thymesia trophies give off Bloodborne vibes

Thymesia trophies have just arrived for the PS5 Dark Souls-like hack 'n slash. OverBoarder Studio developed the game with Team17 publishing, and the game is scheduled to be released on August 18th, 2022.

Posted 2 years ago by Kes Eylers-Stephenson

The Best Opening Scenes in Video Games

They say first impressions are everything. Whether you're in a job interview, on a date, or writing a list for a popular gaming outlet, you have to start strong or you'll lose your audience. Here are gaming's best openings.

Posted 7 years ago by Mark Delaney

Dark Souls: Remastered Announced

Bandai Namco has confirmed this morning that Dark Souls will be coming to this generation of consoles. All we know is that it will be coming in high-definition this May.

Posted 7 years ago by Kevin Tavore

How Hard is Hard?

Plenty of gamers aren't in pursuit of a challenge when it comes to their gaming, but for those who are, where do they find that challenge? Is there a universal understanding of difficulty that spans across all games?

Posted 8 years ago by Marc_Pilkington

EU Playstation Store Discounts: July 8th, 2015

Week Two of Four has started on the Summer of Digital savings, with more discounts to be had on digital only titles. Joining it this week is a sale on DLC packs; it was not stated which systems the D

Posted 10 years ago by MunchMagic1986

Europe DLC, COD and Digital Games Pt. 2 Discounts

Keep things simple, stupid. This is not a slogan by which Sony appears to be operating at the moment if their European sales are anything to go by. Instead of sticking to one sale with a single start

Posted 10 years ago by Rebecca Smith

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