DYSMANTLE Trophies Here is the full list of all 35 DYSMANTLE trophies - there are 14 bronze, 16 silver, 4 gold and 1 platinum.Filter Trophy View View Image viewList view Sort by TrueTrophy desc TrueTrophy asc Trophy name desc Trophy name asc Ratio desc Ratio asc Gamers desc Gamers asc PSN order Date won desc Date won asc Flag Filter All None 34 Offline Mode 34 Single Player 34 Cooperative 8 Main Storyline 1 Story Completed 12 Collectable 11 Cumulative + 1 Level 1 Platinum Link flagsOR joinAND join Trophies without these flags What are trophy flags? Click to find outApply PlatinumAchieve all trophies. GatekeeperBeat the Gatekeeper. Means of EscapingFind the Escape Pod. LawBeat the Law automaton. ReaperBeat the Reaper automaton. SwordBeat the Sword automaton. CrownBeat the Crown automaton. Crown StationReach the Crown Station. Escape the IslandEscape the Island. Full LoadFill 10 material slots full of materials. Who Wants to Leaf ForeverFill 8 material slots with the same type of material. Gold MedalistEarn 10 gold level Medals. InventorInvent 60 recipes. EnkindledLight all Campfires on the Island. Link TowersDiscover and activate all Link Towers on the Island. Rude ArchaeologistComplete all Tombs on the Island. Getting FarmerGrow and harvest 10 plants. Green FingerGrow and harvest any 6 different types of plants. Fish You Were HereCatch 10 fish of any rarity. Fishful ThinkingCatch 5 fish of legendary rarity. Monster SlayerKill 100 monsters of any type. Build It And They Will ComeBuild 10 structures of any type. Animal FriendFeed animals 10 times. Ark NemesisComplete the ark. Well Well WellUse all Wishing Wells on the Island. RifterTravel through all the Rifts on the Island. Perfect TimingOpen all Timed Chests on the Island. Shelter CleanerVisit all shelters on the Island. Treasure DiggerDig up all buried treasures on the Island. Master of ObelisksMax out all the Obelisks on the Island. Myth PeopleInvestigate all the Myth Tablets on the Island. Fan of RadioListen to 50 different radio broadcasts. Perfect InterestComplete all Points of Interest on all locations. Side HustleComplete all the Side Quests. Gear UpUpgrade 7 Tools to the maximum level.