Players that want to boost this game

Gamer Trophies Won TT XP Presence
Germany ArkhamWraiths ArkhamWraiths 59 2,860
Slovakia bitter_roman bitter_roman 23 996
USA X_Lord_Hydra_X X_Lord_Hydra_X 0 0 On site
Netherlands de-bizon de-bizon 1 16
USA grap2000 grap2000 36 1,459
USA OldManTBalt OldManTBaltPlaying Driveclub, Driveclub VR, CoD IW/Black Ops 3 & 4, Dark Souls 3, Evolve, Red Dead Redemption 2, Battlefield V, Borderlands TPS (PS3) 0 0
Norway Kakkemann KakkemannNo stress 2 32
USA mouthoff mouthoff 0 0
Australia NearDeatHappines NearDeatHappinesPlease patch Apotheon so I can get that plat. >.< 41 1,888
USA Prophet_Tom Prophet_TomMessage me via PSN if you want to boost. No random friend requests will be accepted. 2 32
USA russiandude123 russiandude123 10 659
France Ryo_Hazuki33 Ryo_Hazuki33??YouTube ==> angelvirus33 18 986
USA xI_Pitbull_Ix xI_Pitbull_Ix 23 1,349
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