Control: Ultimate Edition Trophies Full list of all 68 Control: Ultimate Edition trophies - 50 bronze, 14 silver, 3 gold and 1 platinum.The base game contains 47 trophies, and there are 2 DLC packs containing 21 trophies.Filter Trophy View View Image viewList view Sort by TrueTrophy desc TrueTrophy asc Trophy name desc Trophy name asc Ratio desc Ratio asc Gamers desc Gamers asc PSN order Date won desc Date won asc DLC Packs Group DLC packs together in list DLC Filter AllOwnedNone Flag Filter All None 67 Offline Mode 67 Single Player 18 Main Storyline 1 Story Completed 12 Collectable 13 Cumulative + 8 Level 11 Shop 2 Time/Date 1 Platinum Link flagsOR joinAND join Trophies without these flags What are trophy flags? Click to find outApply Base Base Game (Excludes DLC) 1,981 1,350 47 1 3 9 34 4.2626,4358,897 (34%)20-25h Director of the FBCUnlock all other trophies Astral ConstructionConstruct a Weapon Form or Mod 1 guideNon-Standard IssueUpgrade any Weapon Form to Level 3 1 guideCareer DevelopmentUnlock all 3 Personal Mod slots 1 guideThe Importance of SynergyComplete 5 Side Missions 1 guideInter-Departmental CooperationComplete 10 Side Missions FBC Crisis Solution Task ForceComplete 15 Side Missions 1 guideParanatural CollectionCollect more than 100,000 Source 1 guideInterdimensional DefenderKilled 1000 Hiss 1 guideParautilitarianUnlock 1 Ability Tree Upgrade 1 guideExpert ParautilitarianSpend 50 Ability Points 1 guideMaster ParautilitarianSpend 100 Ability Points 1 guideChoose to be ChosenObtain the Service Weapon 1 guideParanatural PowerhouseObtain the Launch Ability 1 guideInsular TelekinesisObtain the Shield Ability 1 guideShifting PositionsObtain the Evade Ability 1 guidePsychic OccupationObtain the Compel Ability 1 guideRising ThoughtObtain the Levitate Ability Ritualistic ThinkingCleanse 5 Control Points 1 guideRitual IntuitionCleanse 10 Control Points 1 guideDiscerning the PatternCleanse 25 Control Points Strange CollectionCollect 40 Collectibles 1 guideRecord KeeperCollect 80 Collectibles 1 guideBureau ArchivistCollect 120 Collectibles 1 guideAltered Manifestations May OccurDefeat esseJ Aggressive GrowthDefeat Mold-1 Head of CommunicationsDefeat Mr. Tomassi 1 guideLiving ArchetypesDefeat the Anchor 1 guideAstral PhenomenaDefeat Former 1 guideWelcome to the Oldest HouseComplete Mission 1 1 guideUnknown CallerComplete Mission 2 1 guideDirectorial OverrideComplete Mission 3 1 guideOld Boys' ClubComplete Mission 4 1 guideThresholdComplete Mission 5 1 guideMy Brother's KeeperComplete Mission 6 1 guideThe Face of the EnemyComplete Mission 7 Finnish TangoComplete Mission 8 PolarisComplete Mission 9 Take ControlComplete Mission 10 Cognitive IntruderCompel 10 enemies with the Seize Ability 1 guideUnstable MatterKill 50 enemies with the Launch Ability 1 guideVolatile DebrisKill 10 enemies with the Shield Burst Ability 2 guidesProper Handling ProceduresUse Launch to throw a grenade or rocket 1 guideWar GamesComplete 5 Board Countermeasures 1 guideAstral TacticianComplete 25 Board Countermeasures First On the SceneComplete 1 Bureau Alert 1 guideCrisis ManagementComplete 5 Bureau Alerts 1 guide Update The Foundation 435 195 10 3 7 3.938,9583,538 (40%)4-5h < Make/Unmake >Use Shape and Fracture a combined total of 100 times Hostile Work EnvironmentKill 50 Hiss Sharpened Rush JobKill 100 enemies with Shield Rush 1 guideNiche PositionFind all hidden locations in the Foundation Subterranean ResearchCollect all Collectibles in the Foundation Supportive StaffHave a Deployed Ranger kill 5 enemies One of UsGather all the Maneki-nekos Star PerformanceComplete the Side Mission: "Jesse Faden starring in 'Swift Platform'" Astral PlumbingDiscover the Astral Plane restroom A Strong FoundationComplete all Missions in the Foundation Update Altered World Events 391 195 11 2 9 4.0711,1003,765 (34%)3-4h Familiar MethodologiesFight off Hartman Chief InvestigatorFind 80% of the hidden locations in the Investigations Sector Vending SpreeDestroy 80% of the Altered Vending Machine instances 1 guideThe Third ThingDefeat Hartman Workplace RecreationPlay a single game in Arcade Mode Surge of PowerUpgrade Surge to the maximum level Surge ProtectorKill 50 enemies with Surge Elevated MindKill 25 Airborne Rangers 1 guideIn-depth InvestigationsFind 80% of the Collectibles in the Investigations Sector Work Smarter, Not HarderAttach a Surge grenade to an object and Launch it at an enemy Multiple ApplicationsUse Multi-Launch to hit 3 targets 1 guide