Conan Exiles Trophies Full list of all 37 Conan Exiles trophies - 21 bronze, 8 silver, 7 gold and 1 platinum.The base game contains 26 trophies, and there is 1 DLC pack containing 11 trophies.Filter Trophy View View Image viewList view Sort by TrueTrophy desc TrueTrophy asc Trophy name desc Trophy name asc Ratio desc Ratio asc Gamers desc Gamers asc PSN order Date won desc Date won asc DLC Packs Group DLC packs together in list DLC Filter AllOwnedNone Flag Filter All None 36 Online/Offline 36 Single Player 36 Versus 1 Main Storyline 6 Level 1 Platinum Link flagsOR joinAND join Trophies without these flags What are trophy flags? Click to find outApply Base Base Game (Excludes DLC) 1,861 1,290 26 1 7 6 12 2.3761,24622,117 (36%)1-2h To crush all trophies beneath sandaled feetFor completing all trophies Hither Came the Exile…Reach level 10 1 guide…A Scavenger…Reach level 20 1 guide…A Reaver…Reach level 30 1 guide…A Slayer…Reach level 40 1 guide…A Warrior…Reach level 50 1 guide…A Champion…Reach level 60 1 guideBy this Axe I Rule!Get a Dedicated Weapon The Scarlet CitadelCreate your first building O Sleeper AwakeSleep on a bed or bedroll The God in the BowlUse a religious altar What do I know of Cultured Ways?Put an enemy in the Wheel of Pain The Gilt, The Craft and the LiePlace a thrall crafter in a crafting station The Hour of the DragonDefeat the Undead Dragon It is the King, or his ghost!Defeat the King Beneath The Devil in IronDefeat the Kinscourge Gods of the NorthDefeat Hrungnir of the Frost From What Hell Have You Crawled?Defeat the Giant Spider The Snout in the DarkDefeat the Giant Crocodile The Haunter of the PitsDefeat the Sewer Abomination Wolves Beyond the BorderReach the highlands Dying EmbersReach the volcano The Cliffs ReelFall for 3 seconds without dying Iron Shadows in the MoonReach the skies above the Exiled Lands 1 guideThe Tower of the ElephantKill something by standing on its head 1 guideThe Road of KingsComplete the first chapter of the Journey Add-on Maelstrom 518 195 11 2 9 1.702,7241,147 (42%)1-2h In the VaultExplore a Vault The TempleVisit a Leyshrine Beyond the Wall of SleepEnter the Maelstrom The Haunter of the DarkReach the Tower MemoryMemorize a Sigil The OutsiderDefeat a Surge Summons 1 guideThe Gem in the TowerExplore the Isle of Siptah 1 guideThe Shadow Out of TimeCraft an Item Using Eldarium From BeyondMemorize Seven Sigils at Once The Silver KeyObtain ????? The Other GodsDraw Forth the Most Powerful Surge