Caravan SandWitch Trophies Here is the full list of all 27 Caravan SandWitch trophies - there are 11 bronze, 9 silver, 6 gold and 1 platinum.Filter Trophy View View Image viewList view Sort by TrueTrophy desc TrueTrophy asc Trophy name desc Trophy name asc Ratio desc Ratio asc Gamers desc Gamers asc PSN order Date won desc Date won asc What are trophy flags? Click to find outApply Sand WitchBecome an essential part of Cigalo's ecosystem Heart of a ChildPlay hopscotch Hide adsSensational EntranceYank 10 doors open with the grapple hook Experienced AthleteMake Sauge jump 100 times Van DriverDrive 5km with the van AmbassadorMeet all characters Suspension TestUse all springboards with the van GlidingSpend more than one second in the air with the van Questionable WatersStep in the polluted sea RecyclingCollect your first component Toad's-eye ViewClimb on the giant Reineto's head Goal!!!Score a goal Mind the GapLeave Space City and head to Cigalo ScanningScan the surroundings with the antenna Forced EntryYank a door open with the grapple hook Cyber IntrusionHack a device with the antenna Learning the RopesUse a zipline with the motorized pulley Emergency GeneratorPower a system with the grapple hook Rescue PlanGo look for Nèfle inside the TARAASK with Rose The Source of the SignalMeet with Garance's consciousness Safe and SoundMake the safe choice for both Nèfle and Sauge ScoutingDestroy all signal jammers and reveal the entire map CompletionistDiscover all the points of interest Community ServiceComplete all the tasks given to Sauge New LookUnlock all van cosmetics Global RecyclingCollect 500 components ExplorerVisit all locations on Cigalo