Call of Juarez: Bound in Blood Trophies Here is the full list of all 48 Call of Juarez: Bound in Blood trophies - there are 36 bronze, 8 silver, 3 gold and 1 platinum.Filter Trophy View View Image viewList view Sort by TrueTrophy desc TrueTrophy asc Trophy name desc Trophy name asc Ratio desc Ratio asc Gamers desc Gamers asc PSN order Date won desc Date won asc Flag Filter All None 8 Online Mode 30 Offline Mode 9 Online/Offline 39 Single Player 7 Main Storyline 4 Difficulty Specific 4 Stackable 1 Collectable 16 Cumulative + 1 Shop 1 Multiple Playthroughs Required 16 Versus 1 Time/Date 17 x4 Players Required 1 Platinum 1 Story Completed Link flagsOR joinAND join Trophies without these flags What are trophy flags? Click to find outApply Ace of SpadesCollect all other trophies. Act IComplete Act I. Act IIComplete Act II. Act IIIComplete Act III. Act IVComplete Act IV. CrowbaitFinish the game on at least easy difficulty. Between Hay and GrassFinish the game on at least medium difficulty. Curly WolfFinish the game on hard difficulty. Old West LegendFinish the game on very hard difficulty. Ray's StoryFinish every chapter playing as Ray. Thomas' StoryFinish every chapter playing as Thomas. D-DayOn chapter I, destroy all rafts before they land. Catcher in the RyeOn chapter II, in the field, kill enemy soldiers using knives without being detected. Yankee CowOn chapter II, don't kill the cow. MayhemOn chapter III, kill 20 armed enemies while riding the stagecoach. Sharpshooter DistractionOn chapter IV, playing as Ray, kill sharpshooters without Thomas' help. Sharpshooter DestructionOn chapter IV, playing as Thomas, kill sharpshooters in 10 seconds. Quite a RideOn chapter IX, on the lift, destroy everything that is thrown at you. Rowing-Race CheaterOn chapter XI, kill all the Indians during canoe chase. Man of the HoodOn chapter XII, playing as Thomas, use only bow throughout the whole level. Gotta Catch'em AllCollect all secrets. 1 guideBoy ScoutFinish one side quest. Shield of HopeFinish all side quests. Quick HandsKill 7 people during one concentration mode. Frag StealKill all enemies in a single Cooperative Concentration Mode. Arkansas Fried RoosterBlow up 10 chickens with dynamite. UntouchableFinish any chapter, except for VI and VIII, without getting severely wounded. FireworksShoot 2 enemy dynamite sticks in mid air. 1 guideNone Shall HideShoot an enemy through a wall. Mad CarpenterKill 5 enemies with a chair. VindicatorKill a total of 30 enemies with movable gatling. 99 ScalpsDeliver 99 headshots (ranked play counts). Pistol ExpertKill 250 People using pistols (ranked play counts). Rifle ExpertKill 250 People using rifles (ranked play counts). Shotgun ExpertKill 250 People using shotguns (ranked play counts). On the Right TrackCollect a total of $200 000 (ranked play counts) to unlock silver weapons in multiplayer. Goldrush!Collect a total of $1 000 000 (ranked play counts) to unlock golden weapons in multiplayer. Forgiveth Me, LordKill 2000 enemies (ranked play counts). High NoonKill 4 enemies between 12:00 p.m. and 12:15 p.m. (local time, ranked play counts). Drive-ByKill a total of 5 enemies while horseback (ranked play counts). Welcome to the FrontierFinish a full Wild West Legends game (ranked only). Crime Does PayWin 5 rounds as an Outlaw (ranked only). Tin StarWin 5 rounds as a Lawman (ranked only). Been There, Done ThatPlay a full Wild West Legends game on every level (both match and revenge match count; ranked only). Magnificent ThirteenUnlock all classes (ranked only). Jack of All TradesPlay a full game with each class (ranked only). Well InvestedBuy 20 second level and 10 third level upgrades (ranked only). UnforgivenKill 10 enemies as an invincible wanted (ranked only).