Caladrius Blaze (JP) Trophies Here is the full list of all 49 Caladrius Blaze (JP) trophies - there are 40 bronze, 5 silver, 3 gold and 1 platinum.Filter Trophy View View Image viewList view Sort by TrueTrophy desc TrueTrophy asc Trophy name desc Trophy name asc Ratio desc Ratio asc Gamers desc Gamers asc PSN order Date won desc Date won asc Flag Filter All None 48 Offline Mode 48 Single Player 15 Main Storyline 8 Story Completed 3 Collectable 1 Missable 3 Cumulative + 1 Level 1 Platinum Link flagsOR joinAND join Trophies without these flags What are trophy flags? Click to find outApply Fly Caladrius!Blessed one who has achieved all Trophies! Trembling EarthYou have destroyed Iris' Weylgandr! (Story Mode, Solo Play, within time) Pouring ThunderYou have destroyed Eleanor's Kychsrhea! (Story Mode, Solo Play, within time) Darkness AbyssYou have destroyed Milia's Gespeneris! (Story Mode, Solo Play, within time) Madness ForestYou have destroyed Nina's Schwarzbeleth! (Story Mode, Solo Play, within time) Dominated SkyYou have destroyed Islay's Sivilung! (Story Mode, Solo Play, within time) Fallen LightYou have destroyed Graham's Wildduran! (Story Mode, Solo Play, within time) Despair from UnderworldYou have destroyed Beelzebub's Beelzetolv! (Story Mode, Solo Play, within time) Untrained MarchYou have blocked the march of Cecilia's troop! (Story Mode, Solo Play, within time) Poor EscapeYou have saved everyone in Cecilia's convoy ship! (Story Mode, Solo Play, within time) Princess' ConductYou have witnessed all of Iris' shame breaks. (Story Mode, Solo Play) Inquirer' ClothingYou have witnessed all of Eleanor's shame breaks. (Story Mode, Solo Play) Songstress' CostumeYou have witnessed all of Milia's shame breaks. (Story Mode, Solo Play) Girl's DressYou have witnessed all of Nina's shame breaks. (Story Mode, Solo Play) Noble's UniformYou have witnessed all of Islay's shame breaks. (Story Mode, Solo Play) King's RobesYou have witnessed all of Graham's shame breaks. (Story Mode, Solo Play) Grotesque BeautyYou have witnessed all of Beezlebub's shame breaks. (Story Mode, Solo Play) Member's Private ClothesYou have witnessed all of Cecilia's shame breaks. (Story Mode, Solo Play) Crimson KnightYou have cleared the game as Alex! (Started from Story Mode Level 1, Solo Play, Very Easy or higher difficulty, No Damage OFF) Storming AlchemistYou have cleared the game as Kei! (Started from Story Mode Level 1, Solo Play, Very Easy or higher difficulty, No Damage OFF) Salvation SaintessYou have cleared the game as Maria! (Started from Story Mode Level 1, Solo Play, Very Easy or higher difficulty, No Damage OFF) Loved and Hated PupilYou have cleared the game as Sophia! (Started from Story Mode Level 1, Solo Play, Very Easy or higher difficulty, No Damage OFF) Grudge in AbyssYou have cleared the game as Lilith! (Started from Story Mode Level 1, Solo Play, Very Easy or higher difficulty, No Damage OFF) Blessing Divine BirdYou have cleared the game as Caladrius! (Started from Story Mode Level 1, Solo Play, Very Easy or higher difficulty, No Damage OFF) Tree HeroYou have cleared the game as Noah! (Started from Story Mode Level 1, Solo Play, Very Easy or higher difficulty, No Damage OFF) Glowing LadyYou have cleared the game as Layis! (Started from Story Mode Level 1, Solo Play, Very Easy or higher difficulty, No Damage OFF) Knight's ShameYou have witnessed all of Alex's shame breaks. (Story Mode, Solo Play) Sorcerer's HumiliationYou have witnessed all of Kei's shame breaks. (Story Mode, Solo Play) Saintess' HesitationYou have witnessed all of Maria's shame breaks. (Story Mode, Solo Play) Pupil's CostumeYou have witnessed all of Sophia's shame breaks. (Story Mode, Solo Play) Grudge's Costume AppearanceYou have witnessed all of Lilith's shame breaks. (Story Mode, Solo Play) Divine Bird's FeatherYou have witnessed all of Caladrius's shame breaks. (Story Mode, Solo Play) Brave One's GlowYou have witnessed all of Noah's shame breaks. (Story Mode, Solo Play) Loyal Man's DepresssionYou have witnessed all of Layis' shame breaks. (Story Mode, Solo Play) Replenish LifeYou have acquired a 1UP item! (Story Mode, Solo Play) Force EnhancementYou have increased your score for more bombs! (Story Mode, Solo Play) Small SignpostYour score has reached 10,000,000 points! (Story Mode, Solo Play) Glowing SignpostYour score has reached 30,000,000 points! (Story Mode, Solo Play) Far SignpostYour score has reached 80,000,000 points! (Story Mode, Solo Play) Tested HeroYou have cleared Boss Rush Mode! (Start from Level 1, Easy or higher difficulty, No Damage OFF) Art AppreciationYou have unlocked all gallery images! I Will Not Fight YouYou have finished the battle between Ira and Alex in all levels with time overs. (Story mode, Solo Play) Gathered PowerYou have acquired 1000 Eter Chips! (Story Mode, Solo Play) Raging WavesYou have used the bombs 50 times! Tightly Grasped GloryYou have cleared all levels without losing a single life! (Started from Story Mode Level 1, Solo Play, Easy or higher difficulty, No Damage OFF) Soul SeekerYou have acquired all 1UP chips with one play! (Start from Story Mode Level 1, Solo Play) Great AlchemistYou have used all types and levels of element shots! (Story Mode, Solo Play) Revealed TreasureYou have discovered and desetroyed all Sol Citadels! (Story Mode, Solo Play) Crash KingYour ship has been destroyed more than an average of 100 times! (Story Mode, Solo Play)