NA Playstation Store Discounts: July 28th, 2015In the summer time when the weather is... not so hot, you can stretch your wallet right up and buy lots and lots of games. Sony has started a Summer Sale that lasts for two weeks, although the list o Posted 9 years ago by Rebecca Smith
NA Playstation Store Discounts: May 5th, 2015Sony Entertainment America is obviously a little tired after all of the discounts from last weeks's Golden Week and Star Wars Day sales. This week brings barely any discounts at all, but we've decide Posted 9 years ago by Rebecca Smith
NA: PlayStation Store Update, Jan 20th, 2015Resident Evil is finally here [toast] Come celebrate this Survival-Horror (and some fans would exclaim that this is the true form of survival-horror) on either PS3 or PS4, and check out the releases Posted 9 years ago by Shadow Enz
US - This Week's PS Store Update: Jan 13th, 2015This week marks the official full release of PlayStation Now as a subscription service for PS4 North American users. Subscription has been a desired option by PlayStation users for PlayStation Now pr Posted 9 years ago by Shadow Enz