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NA Playstation Store Discounts: July 28th, 2015

In the summer time when the weather is... not so hot, you can stretch your wallet right up and buy lots and lots of games. Sony has started a Summer Sale that lasts for two weeks, although the list o

Posted 9 years ago by Rebecca Smith

NA Playstation Store Discounts: May 5th, 2015

Sony Entertainment America is obviously a little tired after all of the discounts from last weeks's Golden Week and Star Wars Day sales. This week brings barely any discounts at all, but we've decide

Posted 9 years ago by Rebecca Smith

NA: PlayStation Store Update, Jan 20th, 2015

Resident Evil is finally here [toast] Come celebrate this Survival-Horror (and some fans would exclaim that this is the true form of survival-horror) on either PS3 or PS4, and check out the releases

Posted 9 years ago by Shadow Enz

US - This Week's PS Store Update: Jan 13th, 2015

This week marks the official full release of PlayStation Now as a subscription service for PS4 North American users. Subscription has been a desired option by PlayStation users for PlayStation Now pr

Posted 9 years ago by Shadow Enz

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