Ben 10

Ben 10

Game action
Ben 10

Ben 10 Trophies

Here is the full list of all 39 Ben 10 trophies - there are 24 bronze, 11 silver, 3 gold and 1 platinum.

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  • Mind Over Matter

    Hit 5 different enemies with a single shot from Grey Matter

  • Power Plant

    Defeat 5 enemies with a single use of Wildvine’s ability

  • Gotta Go Slow

    Defeat a Pie Juggler before their pie hits the ground with XLR8’s ability

  • Punchline

    Dodge Weatherhead lightning, then hit the attacking enemy by using Upgrade’s ability

  • Diamond Ring

    Hit 10 enemies with a single use of Diamondhead's ability

  • Body Surfing

    Defeat 3 enemies with a single use of Overflow’s ability

  • A Stunning Display

    Stun a self-destructing Bumblebee with Stinkfly’s ability

  • Objectively Skilled

    Complete 30 Bonus Objectives

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Ben 10 FAQ
  • How many trophies are there in Ben 10?
    There are 39 trophies in Ben 10 - 24 bronze, 11 silver, 3 gold and 1 platinum.
    You can view the full list of Ben 10 trophies here.
  • Is Ben 10 on PlayStation Plus?
    No, Ben 10 is not currently available on any PlayStation Plus tier.
  • When did Ben 10 release on PlayStation?
    Ben 10 was released on November 14th, 2017.
  • How long does it take to complete all the trophies in Ben 10?
    It takes between 6 and 8 hours to complete the trophies in Ben 10.