Latest Beat Saber (PS4) News

Beat Saber Patch Fixes Latency Issues

The last update accidentally altered how the floor position worked, causing latency and tracking issues. A hotfix has now been released that goes some way towards fixing those issues.

Posted 6 years ago by Rebecca Smith

Beat Saber Patch Causes Tracking Issues — Here are Workarounds

The issue isn't due to the changes to the scoring system as you might have assumed; instead, it's a result of an accidental alteration of how the floor position works. Until this issue is fixed, we've got some workarounds for you.

Posted 6 years ago by Rebecca Smith

Beat Saber Patch Will Tweak the Scoring System

If you're not doing terribly well at Beat Saber, the chances are it's because you're not entirely sure how the scoring system works. The next patch to arrive for the game will make changes that makes the scoring more precise.

Posted 6 years ago by Rebecca Smith

Best PSVR Games Available in 2019

The number of PSVR games has been steadily growing since it released in 2016. To help you narrow down the list, these are our picks for the best third-person shooters available on the PS4 in 2019.

Posted 6 years ago by Dave Horobin

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