Barbie Project Friendship Trophies Here is the full list of all 28 Barbie Project Friendship trophies - there are 14 bronze, 7 silver, 6 gold and 1 platinum.Filter Trophy View View Image viewList view Sort by TrueTrophy desc TrueTrophy asc Trophy name desc Trophy name asc Ratio desc Ratio asc Gamers desc Gamers asc PSN order Date won desc Date won asc What are trophy flags? Click to find outApply Pinker than everUnlock all other trophies The Malibu Waves Community CenterComplete introductory quest DIY DreamsComplete the first quest in the Workshop Unexpected NewsComplete the restoration of the Workshop Fun at the Beach!Complete the first quest at the Beach Improving TogetherComplete the restoration of the Beach Scavenger HuntComplete the first quest at the Camping Area Becoming Jr RangersComplete the restoration of the Camping Area A home for all animalsComplete the first quest in the Animal Aid Center A Wild PursuitComplete the restoration of the Animal Aid Center Back to the 80sComplete the first quest in the Tech Lab May the best gamers winComplete the restoration of the Tech Lab Sewing ExpertsComplete the first quest in the Amphitheater Looking for InspirationComplete the restoration of the Amphitheater Saving the Malibu WavesComplete the final fair at the Amphitheater Project Friendship: Complete!Complete all main and secondary quests First StepsComplete the first minigame Barbie-styleGet 3 stars in a minigame Playful StarGet 4 stars in a minigame Treasure HunterGet your first collectable Memories worth a lifetimeGet all the collectables Office MakeoverUnlock all the Office items Fashion Fun!Unlock all the outfits Malibu Waves TourVisit all the spaces Building a CommunityHave 500 Community Points Heart of the CommunityHave 1000 Community Points Treat YourselfSpend 175 Community Points on an item You Can Pet the DogPet a dog