Back to the Future: The Game - 30th Anniversary Edition Trophies Here is the full list of all 60 Back to the Future: The Game - 30th Anniversary Edition trophies - 52 bronze, 6 silver, 1 gold and 1 platinum.Filter Trophy View View Image viewList view Sort by TrueTrophy desc TrueTrophy asc Trophy name desc Trophy name asc Ratio desc Ratio asc Gamers desc Gamers asc PSN order Date won desc Date won asc Grouping All trophies Episode 1: It's About Time Episode 2: Get Tannen Episode 3: Citizen Brown Episode 4: Double Visions Episode 5: OUTATIME Flag Filter All None 59 Offline Mode 59 Single Player 28 Main Storyline 1 Story Completed 16 Collectable 30 Missable 1 Time/Date 1 Platinum Link flagsOR joinAND join Trophies without these flags What are trophy flags? Click to find outApply Platinum TrophyEarn all trophies in: "Back to the Future: The Game" 1 guideA Bicycle Built for TwoRescued Doc from Kid Tannen. Back In TimeTraveled back in time to rescue Doc. Grandpa Got ServedDelivered the subpoeana to Arthur McFly. Junior Bootlegger BadgeManaged to get 190-proof alcohol delivered to Emmett's. Jailbreak!Acquired Emmett's Rocket Drill. Doc's LegacyGot Doc's Notebook back from Biff. Hello, Young FriendTalked Emmett into completing the Rocket Drill. A Plausible ExplanationDiscovered the origin of the "new" DeLorean. 1 guideFuel MasterFlawlessly mixed up a batch of Emmett's Rocket Fuel. 1 guideFate In FluxHeard about the curious fate of Marshall Strickland. 1 guideHi Bob!Namechecked "Back to the Future" creators. 1 guideDeja MartyPerfectly repeated dialog while repeating Doc's temporal experiment. 1 guideKid RestraintDefeat Kid Tannen. Escape ArtistFind a hidden passageway. 1 guidePolice BlotterDry a cop out. 1 guideMoll MenderGet a gangster's girl to do the right thing. Tannen TamerDefeat the Tannen Brothers in six jumps. 1 guideA Minimum of PanicRescue Arthur with minimal fuss. 1 guideArt LoverTrack down a missing accountant. Tuned OutEnjoy a full set from Hill Valley's leading songstress. Door PrizeBreak the password code without cheating. 1 guideChuckleheadFind "Chuckles Lenart". 1 guideDemystifierGet a full explanation of your situation. Final SolutionLayout Biff and escape the speakeasy. 1 guideHope You're InsuredUse the DeLorean parts to enter Hill Valley. InterventionGot caught with Lorraine's booze. Seven Minutes in HeavenGot caught making out with Jennifer. All Good Dogs Go To UtahGot caught with Einstein. Into the Garbage Chute, McFly-boyJumped into the Decycling Bin. Hill Valley TouristListen to all tourist audio guides in Hill Valley. 1 guideOne Bad AppleCollect every Demerit in the game. 1 guideMarty and the PinheadsUse the spray can to paint Marty's band name in the alley. 1 guideHidden TreasureExamine every container of contraband in the speakeasy. 1 guideRuin it for EveryoneCoax Edna out of the courthouse with the buzzer. 1 guideTo the Expo!Marty and Emmett head to the Expo. Your Own Personal FrankensteinGave Emmett his Epiphany. Breaking Up is Hard to DoBroke up Emmett and Edna. Free Citizen Brown!Rescued Citizen Brown from the Citizen Plus program. The Power of Love?Escaped from Marty's cell. Let Them Eat, Um, CakeOffered algae cakes to everyone. Edna Was Right!Revealed the Hill Valley hooliganism rate. The Other WomanGot Trixie ready to make Edna jealous. Like a Not-So-Fine WineMessed with Emmett's cleanser. A Not-So-Beautiful MindCrafted a mind map of Emmett that reveals him to be a "Degenerate Criminal." An Uncomfortable TruthEmmett is prophetically honest about his marriage prospects. Timely TravellerTake the fewest possible trips to Emmett's lab. There's a Moose?Get a good look at Trixie's postcard. The Future isn't WrittenReturned home. Emmett Finds His MuseEmmett completes his spectacular failure at the Expo. Crackpot MendedRestored Edna's memory. Raising the BarPrevented the Great Hill Valley Fire. 1 guideGreen Gobblin'Treated Desert Edna to an algae cake. A Prickly PairHad a conversation with a cactus. 1 guideNo BackupsComplete the glass house maze without going back up the stairs. False ImpressionsImpersonated three people over the phone. Get it on TapeRecorded everyone at the Expo. Full FairGet your money's worth at the Expo. Two-UpSolve the saloon puzzle with no more than two trips to the second floor. MoonwalkerBusted a move, 80's style.