Atelier Ayesha: The Alchemist of Dusk Trophies Here is the full list of all 39 Atelier Ayesha: The Alchemist of Dusk trophies - there are 26 bronze, 7 silver, 5 gold and 1 platinum.Filter Trophy View View Image viewList view Sort by TrueTrophy desc TrueTrophy asc Trophy name desc Trophy name asc Ratio desc Ratio asc Gamers desc Gamers asc PSN order Date won desc Date won asc Flag Filter All None 38 Offline Mode 38 Single Player 7 Main Storyline 3 Collectable 29 Missable 2 Level 1 Platinum Link flagsOR joinAND join Trophies without these flags What are trophy flags? Click to find outApply All Trophies EarnedAll Trophies Earned. What were you doing?Ernie came to the workshop when you were in a rush. 1 guideAmusing AyeshaYou dropped your wallet, and a weird girl saved you. 1 guideBazaar!You took part in Vierzeberg's bazaar. 1 guideThrilling Treasure ContestYou took part in Harry's Contest. 1 guideFlower SmellYou were reunited with Nio in a surreal place. ReunionYou accomplished your goal of reuniting with Nio. Wind RulerYou went with Wilbell to accomplish her task. The Last LaborYou helped Regina with her last labor. The TwoYou watched the battle between Linca and Linca. Ancient Dragon SlayingYou slayed the dragon with your party. At ParadiseYou saw Keith enjoying his hobby. Big Sister's HeartYou dressed Juris up with Regina. Sending SheepErnie carried you home safely. Sisters ThereafterYou talked to Nio after she came back. Dress UpYou saw Tanya all dressed up in Marietta's Store. FeedingYou saw Fred giving his bread to children. To ThemYou attended the party for Juris. Building BlockYou discovered a gigantic slag at an ancient ruin. Ernie's Long LegsYou relaxed your body at a salty hot spring. One Who Rules the LandYou defeated a powerful land combat-type slag. One Who Rules the SkyYou defeated a powerful flying-type slag. The End of the JourneyYour long journey ended and your new life began. The Witch and the AlchemistYou went with Wilbell to get permission to open a shop together. Future of a Female ProspectorYou went to visit Regina, who retired from prospecting and went back home. And the TrioYou went with Marion and Linca to their new post. Hunter LifeYou spent time with Juris and Nanaca, earnestly engaged in a hunt. Search for the TruthYou decided to go with Keith to search for the truth about alchemy. Working Ma'amYou continued to accept requests from others and became a master apothecary. Treasure HunterYou decided to go on a journey with Harry to search for treasures around the world. Girls Gathering!You became friends with all the girls, and had a girls gathering party. Sage's HermitageYou were worshipped and praised as Lady Ayesha by the townsfolk. First Victory!You won the Thrilling Treasure Contest for the first time. 1 guideGrand Champion!You continued to win the Thrilling Treasure Contest, and were given the title of Grand Champion. One High PointYour Alchemy Level reached 50. Another High PointYour Battle Level reached 50. A Flower of MemoriesYou've started collecting memories. But your journey has just started. A Bouquet of MemoriesYou've collected many memories. But your journey still continues. A Garden of MemoriesYou've collected a lot of memories. It's proof that you went on a long journey.