Assassin's Creed: Revelations Trophies Here is the full list of all 50 Assassin's Creed: Revelations trophies - there are 34 bronze, 14 silver, 1 gold and 1 platinum.Filter Trophy View View Image viewList view Sort by TrueTrophy desc TrueTrophy asc Trophy name desc Trophy name asc Ratio desc Ratio asc Gamers desc Gamers asc PSN order Date won desc Date won asc Flag Filter All None 49 Offline Mode 49 Single Player 16 Main Storyline 1 Story Completed 10 Collectable 4 Cumulative + 2 Level 2 Time/Date 1 Platinum Link flagsOR joinAND join Trophies without these flags What are trophy flags? Click to find outApply The ConquerorGet Every Trophy The Early YearsComplete Desmond Sequence 1. Best Served ColdComplete DNA Sequence 1. The Reluctant AssassinComplete Desmond Sequence 2. Istanbul and ConstantinopleComplete DNA Sequence 2. Escape To New YorkComplete Desmond Sequence 3. Seal the DealComplete DNA Sequence 3. The PrinceComplete DNA Sequence 4. The Plot ThickensComplete DNA Sequence 5. Successes and FailuresComplete DNA Sequence 6. The Rotten AppleComplete Desmond Sequence 4. Old Boss, New BossComplete DNA Sequence 7. PrioritiesComplete DNA Sequence 8. Are You Desmond Miles?Complete Desmond Sequence 5. RevelationsComplete DNA Sequence 9. Fond MemoriesAchieve 100% Synchronization in all Sequences. Holy WisdomComplete the Hagia Sofia challenge level. CappedCollect all Animus data fragments. Worth A Thousand WordsCollect all of Ishak Pasha's memoir pages. PyromaniacComplete all Bomb Missions. Armchair GeneralControl all cities (except Rhodes) simultaneously in the Mediterranean Defense game. 1 guideIron CurtainPerform a perfect den defense without using the cannon. Spider AssassinClimb Hagia Sofia, from the ground to the pinnacle, in under 25 seconds. A Friend IndeedComplete all Faction Creed Challenges from a single faction. Tax EvasionGet your money back from a Templar tax collector. 1 guideThe MentorHave seven trainees reach the rank of Master Assassin. 1 guideLightning StrikesKill 5 guards in 5 seconds using only your hidden blades. 1 guideOverkillerAssassinate 50 guards with the hidden blade. Show-OffParachute onto a zipline. 1 guideSageCollect all available books. Fast FingersLoot 50 dead guards with thief looting. Mosh PitHave 10 guards poisoned at the same time. Mouse TrapKill 5 guards with a scaffold after they have been stunned by caltrops. 1 guideCraft ManiacCraft 30 bombs. My ProtégéHave one trainee reach the rank of Master Assassin. Almost flyingParachute directly from the top of the Galata Tower to the golden horn. 1 guideSilent but deadlyKill three guards simultaneously with only throwing knives. I can see youKill 5 guards while under the cover of a smoke screen bomb. Monster's danceHave a guard incapacitate 3 civilians while he's poisoned. BullyFind and beat up Duccio. Part of the CreedTake the induction leap of faith (The Lost Archive). Jump they sayReach the Animus memo (The Lost Archive). Enter the AnimusEnter the Animus simulation (The Lost Archive). Meet your makerFinish memory five (The Lost Archive). The LoopExperience the loop (The Lost Archive). Find all PiecesFind all of the decipher fragments (The Lost Archive). Breaking the LoopBreak the loop, escape the cycle (The Lost Archive). 2 guidesSave yourselfLand on a block after falling more than 25 meters (The Lost Archive). Impress Warren VidicComplete the Animus testing sequence without failing (The Lost Archive). 2 guidesCross Styx without dyingMake it across the river Styx without failing (The Lost Archive). 1 guide