13. Assassin's Creed II (PS3) Sequence 11: Alter EgosUpdate notes

When Sequence 11 loads, Rosa will give Ezio a manifest of a ship that went to Cyprus that returns tomorrow. With this, Leonardo will interrupt to explain that he found a strange phrase hidden on two separate codex pages. This will jog Ezio's memory and he'll remember the old prophecy Mario told him so long ago. With this, he'll realize that Rodrigo Borgia and his men have been trying to open a vault with two pieces of Eden this entire time.

Assassin's Creed II (Ezio Collection) | Sequence 11: Alter Egos

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Memory 01: All Things Come to He Who Waits

Walk through L'Arsenale's front entrance once again and get to the western wall to start this memory. Here, Ezio will spot the piece of Eden that was brought in from Cyprus being taken by a soldier. Trail him for a good five minutes all the way to the Cannaregio District until he passes into a forbidden area guarded by soldiers. You'll have 90 seconds to assassinate the guy you've been following, and an easy way to get to him would be to climb the ladder to the rooftops (which you can find to the left of where the guard walked into the area) and then just getting low enough for the game to allow you to assassinate him. The memory ends as soon as he dies.

Memory 02: Play Along

Ezio will don the guard's armor and be tasked by another soldier to carry the piece of Eden to the Spaniard. Follow him closely and when he speaks to the Spaniard, kill him to introduce yourself. After this, you'll fight the Spaniard three different times with varying amounts of soldiers accompanying him. After the second time a horde of your previous allies will appear to aid you in combat, and after Borgia flees, they'll all reveal themselves to be fellow assassins, as well as a newly introduced Niccolò Machiavelli. They agree that Ezio is ready to become a proper assassin, and you'll all partake in a ceremony atop a tall tower. Perform a leap of faith at the end of it to end the sequence.

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