Ancient Amuletor Trophies Here is the full list of all 30 Ancient Amuletor trophies - there are 10 bronze, 15 silver, 4 gold and 1 platinum.Filter Trophy View View Image viewList view Sort by TrueTrophy desc TrueTrophy asc Trophy name desc Trophy name asc Ratio desc Ratio asc Gamers desc Gamers asc PSN order Date won desc Date won asc Flag Filter All None 9 Offline Mode 3 Online Mode 17 Online/Offline 26 Single Player 20 Cooperative 3 Main Storyline 6 Difficulty Specific 14 Cumulative + 29 External Content 1 Platinum Link flagsOR joinAND join Trophies without these flags What are trophy flags? Click to find outApply God of AmuletorGet all trophies. Become an AmuletorComplete the Training. Hide adsFour HeroesPlay four heroes in one match. Rain of ArrowsDefeat 10 enemies with one Scatter Shot. Any more?Defeat a total of 200 enemies. My reliable friends!Activate the wooden men trap 30 times. The Best PartnerBecome MVP in a multiplayer game. They're not enemies!Extinguish 22 torches. Boooom!Defeat 20 enemies with explosive barrels. BulletstormDefeat 10 enemies with one gunner skill. Hello my friendEarn first kill in a multiplayer game. Statue BreakerIn singleplayer, defeat the Pharoah Statue on Hard. No PassIn singleplayer, destroy the Siege Engine on Hard. Crystal Amuletor IIn singleplayer, finish all the levels of the Desert in any difficulty. Crystal Amuletor IIIn singleplayer, finish all the levels of the Empire in any difficulty. Frozen TimeUse mage's skill to kill a total of 50 enemies. Union is strengthEarn first kill in 10 multiplayer games. Mummy killerDefeat a total of 500 Desert mummies. Keep your distanceDefeat a total of 50 Desert bombers with puppet. No place to hideDefeat a total of 50 Empire shield soldiers with gunner. Suppressive FireDefeat a total of 300 enemies with gunner. Hammer ImpactDefeat a total of 100 enemies with hammer impact of puppet. Puppet SaviorDefeat 8 enemies with one puppet skill. UnstoppableDefeat 1000 enemies in total. You're all doomedDefeat 100 enemies with the "Kill" droppable item. Stay insideDestroy a total of 50 enemy portals created by summoners. Perfect Amuletor IIn singleplayer, earn 3 Stars in Normal in Level 1-1. Perfect Amuletor IIIn singleplayer, earn 3 Stars in Normal in Level 1-2. Perfect Amuletor IIIIn singleplayer, earn 3 Stars in Normal in Level 2-1. Perfect Amuletor IVIn singleplayer, earn 3 Stars in Normal in Level 2-2.